Guys is there a name change with faction change ?
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then if you kill them 1 by 1 they assemble a larger group. typical alliance
Wow... Your IQ must be low.
let's say my IQ is average but it's equal to your arena rating in numbers. Stop getting triggered please.
This has no sense although you are awfully hilarious :'') Nice example of horde argumentations.
Now, can you give a nice argument as why the faction balance is not that bad, as you said?
well if i see a horde i kill the **** out of him, bcuz of all the 999999999 times iv been ganked..
= you'r wrong, if you hit 30-40 its gonna be a nightmare in STV/Tanaris...
ofc we do that,
what would you do if you go to a zone and you'r alone and next to you are 50 hordes farming... and killing you over and over and over and over????
to many kids playing the horde, thats all m8.
Edited: May 28, 2017
Shot up stoopit
Ye about that... It's 2:1 H/A
I have to agree that the faction transfer alone has only made leveling worse, since now even the few that wants to play alliance at max level will start as horde and possibly even gear up for raids as horde before transferring to alliance (not to mentions the problems reported after transferring). There are only two ways this can end well: either alliance has to become more appealing somehow, or horde character creation must be locked down at least until factions are balanced out.
Ignore her, typical blood elf player (corrects me if I'm wrong)...
We usually have 2-5min queues in Icecrown.
Is it not that bad??? Lmao...
Edited: May 31, 2017
just like every other great wow forum ever.
luckily the transfer system is so bad presumably it isnt being expoited that extensively. ppl wouldnt risk their reps im guessing.
Edited: May 31, 2017