Warmane The Lost Vikings and Rock'n Roll Racing reworks confirmed??
The two first games I ever played, and had no idea that such a small company would one day become what it is today... :')
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Warmane The Lost Vikings and Rock'n Roll Racing reworks confirmed??
The two first games I ever played, and had no idea that such a small company would one day become what it is today... :')
Those two are not the one and the same.
What are you talking about? O.o
Both those games were among the first ones Blizzard made (albeit under a different company name).
Some more info on the games:
The Lost Vikings
Rock'n Roll Racing
This is exactly the point, why ppl are annoyed: Many bugs, which aren't solved after many monthes/years or marked as "solved", while bug is still ingame, new implemented bugs ingame (professions, dungeons, raids...) or achivs, that aren't working.
I don't see any progress, that gms work on banning bots/solving bugs or implementing a discussion with the customers to change problems: It's more this style to explain, it wanna work soon and ppl should wait til it's solved one day (=doing nothing). Bc and wotlk are prefered and working almost 100% (wotlk), while frostwolf/neltharion are mostly ignored, so ppl stop and go onto other servers.
I mean, ulduar/icc/bt are working on wotlk, why is it bugged on frostwolf? Why are so many dungeons closed, while they work on wotlk-servers? Gms do anything on frostwolf or have 29 days free time and 2 day they are here to explain, all is fine?
Kind regards
Edited: May 28, 2017 Reason: word "discussion"
Dear Nabbler
I only answer you once in my life, because you are troll in threads.
I wrote about pve and pvp-bugs, not only about raid-bugs. Class-bugs in pvp are the most annoying bugs ingame. The example with bt/ulduar/icc, I've spoken about, should show, that wotlk-servers have a functional raid (achivs work), while frostwolf has a lot of bugs in same raid.
You can also compare it to class bugs, that are only affecting the server frostwolf (expect monk).
Why does it work on Icecrown, but not on Frostwolf (pvp and pve)?
Maybe you understand the point or continue to troll.
Professor at ICC deals 200k hits on my 700k DK, and that is called "Working raid". that is 2 xpacs before mop and he literally 3 shots me. or let's talk about LK who does 400k to melee classes? seriously don't post something like that cause i will be sure that you know nothing of what "Working" means.
few days ago when proterean actually came here and had a few posts, i hoped that Warmane will fix more bugs at mop but now i just see they only work on TBC....
Hopefully we'll see the fixes that was promised soon and not delayed to the end of year for a few fixes. Imagine if mop would get thousands of fixes like TBC recently did. It would be awesome and definately would attract some new/old players back into the game.
lol man, with the track record of this realm? But ya, I guess we wait and see.
There are much more bugs in these raids: Firstly, many achivs don't work.
Secondly: Illidan isn't sometimes plundered, the face-boss is bugged, ulduar-train, mimiron and the red button, demolisher not mobile at leviathan-boss, perma-combat bug in ulduar, professor and small room in icc, ice-debuff, that didn't disappear, rezzing-bug at lk and perma-fight, so id is on cd...
Main problems are class bugs, that are "pending" in bug-tracker for 1-2 years.
Worst bugs:
Priest: Vanish-talent doesn't delete aggro, fear-bug: Porting away at fear-start, sometimes falling through map, shield-absorb isn't shown in pvp-statistic
Druid: Mushroom is often deleting and resetting, combat bug with ysera-talent (mushroom and ysera-talent have range-problems: Ysera-range is too nigh+perma-combat, mushroom is immediately disappeared after new spawning, when out of range).
Monk: Haste bug, statue is often not healing and crit-value is wrong from it, xuen-bug.
Shaman: Crit-value isn't correctly calculated on stream-totem.
Pala: Holy power is sometimes disappearing, maybe it's purged, idk. It's only on warmane. Absorb effects isn't shown in pvp-statistic.
Bird-talent of hunters and ghosts of shadow (dot) also prevent tapping/mounting+you are in combat.
Kind regards
Edited: May 29, 2017 Reason: word "range"
SoO HC and LFR are going under final internal testing. Release (if everything goes according to plan) can be expected in the coming week.
Dont see any reason why wouldnt they. Thats few bucks in their pocket
How's that coming so far?
Siege of Orgrimmar: Heroic is scheduled to be released on Frostwolf on June 14, 2017 at 13:00 server time.