1. May 28, 2017  

    Limited Speach. NEED a fix NOW.

    RESOLVED ---- The issue is caused by an addon of which I was unaware.

    I am a mage and I was on the push for gold today for my epic mount you know how it is.

    I am sitting in Orgrimmar giving the good people what they want, portals. I sold over 70 in one busy Saturday.

    I have a macro that puts out something in general and yell. I use the macro at most once every minute.

    If I use the macro 1x it stops me from speaking in every single channel for 1 min. I cant speak in say, party, whsiper. LIMITED.

    So I put out a macro saying selling portals, I get 3 whispers and I can reply to none of them. Cant even speak in whisper, if I invite them to party I cant even speak to them there

    how do you expect any trade to happen when two parties cannot even communicate freely.

    I think stopping spam in general and global and all that is absolutley necessary but if I put out a trade notice I should not be banned form talking over ever **** method for over a min.

    HOW ARE PEOPLE SUPPOSED TO TRADE its ****ing ******ed and I mean that as stongly as its worded. THIS MUST CHANGE.

    Limit my speach in all channels but party and whisper. I was talking to my brother in whisper and I cant even talk in game to him cause my whispers are consored for more than they are allowed? WTF is this ****?

    SORT this out asap. Its destroying our enjoyment of the game
    Edited: May 28, 2017

  2. May 28, 2017  
    I totally 100% agree with what has just been said. ****'s ******ed

  3. May 28, 2017  

  4. May 28, 2017  
    yeah its not the server its the Carbonite

  5. May 28, 2017  
    Go into your Carbonite settings and disable your quest sharing settings. Problem solved. /addignore Kimberly for added antispam measures.

  6. May 28, 2017  

  7. May 28, 2017  
    This is the most ridiculous 5 year old temper tantrum I have ever seen on these forums. How about you dont put out the "yell," and cut the macro back every 2 minutes?

  8. May 28, 2017  
    It still blocks me if I use the macro every 10 minutes, I am banned for 1 minute blanket ban after one use.

    if I use it once every 60 mins I am still banned for the following 1 minute after use.

    So the 1 minute after you post trade, when everyone is whispering you, you cannot reply. I assumed everyone was getting this but its an addon issue.

  9. May 29, 2017  
    OMG thanks guys, idk if the "cannot speak problem" come from Carbonite, i thought it's come from SoundAlerter.. Big Thanks To U All!

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