1. May 27, 2017  
    I think its 18 (+ corpse expiration time) as its said in guide, still checking on that on wotlk - icecrown.
    Wow Ill never get Skoll :D

  2. May 28, 2017  
    So comfirmed in Icecrown, Gondria spawns in a gap from 8 to 10 hours, found 15th Gondria, which appeared in 50 min delay after taming (b4 i had 30min, 40 min and 2 hour delays).

    Hope it helps!
    Edited: May 28, 2017

  3. May 29, 2017  
    Im so happy. King Krush tamed, Icecrown 11:18pm server time, (53,41)

  4. May 30, 2017  
    Im so happy. King Krush tamed, Icecrown 11:18pm server time, (53,41)
    Gz! Found 2nd loque after server crashed 12 pm too and saw 3rds corpse, which spawned right 9 hours from last one, altough this crash didnt reset the timer of Gondria and Arcturis.
    I heard Skoll was killed in northern point after crash.
    Edited: May 30, 2017

  5. May 31, 2017  
    Skoll respawned after 12 hours after tame. Before he was respawning after 8 hours. So Skoll respawn time might be in periof from 8 to 18 hours ( I say 18, couse of the most guides for wotlk Skoll).

  6. June 5, 2017  
    Thank you so much man, after a server restart I got Gondria on my first attempt <3

  7. So whats the complete Skoll respawn timer? 5 hrs?
    on wotlk he spawns every 8 hrs to 12 hrs

  8. Skoll respawned after 12 hours after tame. Before he was respawning after 8 hours. So Skoll respawn time might be in periof from 8 to 18 hours ( I say 18, couse of the most guides for wotlk Skoll).
    confirmed to be 8 hrs to 12 hrs. and in MoP Skoll is a 12 hr respawn only

  9. Pixiekins, why are you saying things when your not 100% sure?

    Ive found 14 Skolls in row (for friens, some kills, saw others killing, helped even ally hunter tame it...) and on Wotlk his exact respawn time is X hours. After tame he delays exact 5min. After kill he delys after corpse expires- its 5mins. If you skinn it then it sometimes does not delay and sometimes delays 5 minutes after the skinning.

    Skoll doesnt spawn after crashes - he continues on his X hour timer. There is a chance the timer would be reseted after restart.

    Also it has 2/16 chance to spawn after X-1 or X+2 hours and 2/16 chance to spawn not in his main spot (near Brunnhildar Village). And this i cant confirm, couse only other people told me about those other 2 times.;

    Arcturis - 12hr respawn, checked by 7 times, does not spawn after crashes, theres a chance timer would reset after restart.

    Gondria - 8hr and 30, 40, 50 min cheched 23 times. Only once saw it spawning (couse Gondria has seweral spawn spots) and it was after 8h 30 min. Usually spawns after crashes, and restarts. It sometimes does not spawn if she was taken not long time ago before the crash/ restart.

    Loque - deffinetelly spawns after crashes/ restarts.Found only 4, it is too painfull to camp this one. But once she spawned after 9 hours after the kill (+ corpse expiration), other times cant be comfirmed, couse it was crashes and pure luck:)

    I am playing wotlk, Icecrown server. If you want to get the exact beast time and help for tame, add me - Aryea (Hore). Tips are apreciated.

    So yea, secrets are almost revieled, Gl hunters:)
    Edited: June 19, 2017

  10. July 2, 2017  
    Returning favour :) Feels great :)

  11. Anyone can tell me why is not possible to tame Noramoc Rare Beast in Netherstorm on OUTLAND TBC server? i was trying about 3-4 times and every time was showing me "invalid target"

  12. Ok so I'm looking for Brokentooth on the TBC outlands server. Is he available? i havent seen him yet been looking / camping for awhile where one of the spawn points was in retail. Thanks ! :)

  13. I've been trying to locate Savage on Frostwolf. I checked out the guide here and found the location where the maker of the guide says Savage patrols. If he only moves/patrols over 10 yards or so, he should be easy to find once the spot is located. I sent up about 30 flairs in the general spot and came up with nothing. Is Savage in another location now, or does he patrol his entire path now or what? Any help or feedback would be much appreciated.

  14. Does portent even respawn?????

  15. Does Arcturis spawn on the new Frostmourne server? I have never seen him there even as hunter pet. Its weird.

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