1. Serious imbalance in the pvp healing gear available.

    Not many people probably remember, but in season 1 of TBC, initially there was no offpieces obtainable for honor that had +healing on them for any healer. Druids at the time were actually considered underpowered because lifebloom was bugged and only applied your + healing on the initial cast, the 2nd and 3rd stack only added the base tooltip amount (i think an extra 40, something like that). They also had poorly itemized pvp gear because the offpieces available had feral stats on them. In response to this Blizzard added the Kodohide offpieces in 2.1 (the patch that introduced Black Temple). The problem is, this server has those kodohide pieces available right now prior to BT being released. So for the entirety of warmane season 1 the only healer that will have any +healing resilience gear in bracers, belt, boots, etc slots will be Druids. Obviously I think most people who played TBC know now that druids ended up being powerhouse healers in pvp. They are already considered far and away the best healer and this will only make the imbalance much worse in arena and BGs.

    In my opinion one of two things should happen:

    Marshal's Kodohide should be nerfed/removed to put druids on a level playing field with the other healers, this would fit the gear progression timeline the server is going for, because these pieces did not exist until AFTER black temple was released.

    or preferably...

    Marshal's offpieces for other healing specs should be reitemized to be similar to the Veteran's pieces from s2, but with lower item level to reflect season 1 value. This, to me, although not era accurate would be a much better option for the health of arena's, bg's and pvp in general. Puts all the healing classes on a level playing field when it comes to gear. Pallies and shamans already have a tough time as it is competing with druids and priests without a gear disadvantage.


  2. http://wow.gamepedia.com/Marshal%27s_Kodohide_Boots Patch 2.0.3 (2007-01-09): Added.

    but even if its 2.1 dont think anyone cares much about that.
    Edited: June 15, 2017

  3. Ive had a hard time actually finding it in the official notes, I was going off posts i've seen from the era. I dont see it listed in either the 2.1 or 2.0.3 notes here:


    Like you said though, whether its 2.1 or earlier, it wasnt added until after season 1 began and its a core balance issue on this server. Easy enough to fix for the integrity of the arena season.

  4. Ive had a hard time actually finding it in the official notes, I was going off posts i've seen from the era. I dont see it listed in either the 2.1 or 2.0.3 notes here:


    Like you said though, whether its 2.1 or earlier, it wasnt added until after season 1 began and its a core balance issue on this server. Easy enough to fix for the integrity of the arena season.
    mentioning another server is ILLEGAL on these forums

  5. mentioning another server is ILLEGAL on these forums
    What? Do you even read bro? Those are patch notes from live from 9 years ago.


  6. What? Do you even read bro? Those are patch notes from live from 9 years ago.

    And we have nothing against mentioning retail...

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