1. July 2, 2017  

    Raids too easy ! Buff Kara.Buff 25

    We cleared karazhan last week. We spend 4 hours 20 minutes for whole instance. Can you at least buff +35 % hp to bosses to negate 3.0.2 25% nerf and 3.0. abilitys math state. Raids waaaaay to easy. DPS of all lasses waaay to high. We need strong buffs to kara. If not we will probably leave this server bcos you(warmane staff) lied to us all. This is honestly a spit to our faces. You promiced us HARDCORE raiding . Where ? Thank you for reading and answering.
    This topic is for staff and not for trolls. We are ready to provide recording of our raids to staff if needed. Please make raids harded. We dont see anything hardcore in this lfr.

  2. July 2, 2017  
    I understood it like that: Karazhan is still easy and will be always easy ( Karazhan was also without the buffs etc the easiest raid -> first raid ), but the previous raids should be "hardcore" or atleast way more harder than Karazhan.

  3. July 2, 2017  
    As far as I recall it wasn't super hard in retail either!

    I was in the alliance guild on the rp-server "The Sha'tar" that cleared Karazhan first (when the raid was new, before the 3.x changes you are mentioning). So if even us rp-casuals cleared it fairly easily, then I think you're expecting too much from the raid as a whole (unless Warmane adds custom difficulty). The hard stuff started in The Eye and SSC :-)

  4. July 3, 2017  
    People expect Kara to be SWP-level, or something? It wasn't ever supposed to be too hard. People were just bad back then.

  5. July 3, 2017  
    Laanu stop dreaming. Medivh only has 2,4k player already and there wont come more. if you buff raids now you wont be able to fill your raids in 2months anymore same problem as on lordaeron. if clever keep it as it is now. if you want to play alone make your own hamachi server

  6. July 3, 2017  
    LOL and you Think 4H and 20 min is easy ..... its completely normal as some people said its not SWP. If you cleared Kara for 2 H then you can speak raid is easy.If you wanna do it hard then play with out 2 DPS like 8 people not 10 idk.

  7. July 3, 2017  
    Dude its Kara. Just "heroic" for 10 pp. Also 2.4.3 talents, etc. Challenge will starts at t5+ content.

  8. July 4, 2017  
    Curator alone should be a cockblock till HC geared.

  9. July 5, 2017  
    The problem is not the HP it's the damage. Most bosses were pretty easy on retail but Prince for example used to hit 6k+ on plate pre 3.0, post 3.0 like 2k (like on Warmane). With his Thrash ability this means that his burst during P2 is now 4k (or 6k with parry haste) damage while it used to be 12k (or 18k with parry haste). He could kill tanks in less than 1 second. This is exactly why you would Bloodlust during P2 instead of P3 (where the infernal spawn rate doubles), because P2 had the chance of your tank getting instagibbed.
    Most of Kara was never hard if you had a competent group, but Prince in dungeon and heroic blues was hard, and here on Warmane he is piss easy because his melee damage is nerfed through the floor. All who deny this simply admit that they never raided Karazhan on retail in dungeon gear pre-nerf.

  10. July 5, 2017  
    I like the way TeezyBreezy shows he never played on Lordaeron but lols at other ppl :)

  11. July 5, 2017  
    Buffing hp or dmg from bosses is a ****ty way to make content challenging. Problem is the talent and items that are 2.4.3 compared to the start of TBC.

    There is nothing challenging and hardcore about Medivh. Did they even confirm the raids are pre-nerf? How much % haste does the Romulo buff give for those who cleared kara?

  12. Did you even do Prince ? He hits ****ing hard on well geared plate tanks and can instagib them really fast if healers dont pay attention or are too slow to react, dont spread bull**** whitout knowing what your talking about. If your tank is full of H and badges gear and can only get upgrades from raids then yeah it's gonna be a bit easier because he's geared af, it's that simple.

  13. There has been a buff to karazhan this week - When we went in there this week we were getting killed by the horses before Attumen. A lot of the trash has had their damage significantly buffed. Causing us to resort to kiting tactics. Bosses also seem to hit a bit harder, our tank got bursted by moroes for over 13k (Main hand + offhand swing) which caught us by surprise.

    It was still very much doable for us, but I am very worried that the mobs inside might just be hitting a bit too hard for a 5 man heroic/badge geared group to handle at this point. We had to do tank swap/kiting on the mobs before moroes that turn you into a skeleton as they 1 shot me with an almost 19k damage auto attack.

    Some bosses like Maiden of Virtue, big bad wolf & curator seemed to remain unchanged. Aswell as mobs/bosses that rely on spells (Shade of aran for example) did not seem to deal more damage, however for the first time Aran went into a drinking phase because he ran out of mana. Either our dps was significantly lower than it was the previous weeks - or they have buffed his health pool, or out interrupts were just...bad.

    Nightbane was hitting me for 7-9k. And prince was also hitting me for similar numbers during phase 1. During phase 2 prince barely hit me at all, that might be caused by my gear and rotating of cooldowns like moroes' pocketwatch & shield wall - but a guild member also suggested that they might have tampered with his dual wield hit table to keep his damage increase somewhat manageable during phase 2.

    The green ghosts before Curator hit for well over 7k. But the purple ghosts still hit like wet noodles.

    Clearing it this week definately took some more effort & focus compared to the past weeks.

    During the first clear a guild went in there with 9 players in greens & blues - and killed the place. I am 100% confident that it is not possible anymore in the current state of Karazhan.

  14. How is t5 content? Has anyone streamed it?

  15. Is it too much to ask for blizzlike values? Why is everything either super easy or 1 shotting tanks? Just use the retail values and ignore anyone who complains.

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