1. Suggestion for devs that work on this server

    Since a lot of basic things don't work such as, guild achievements, heirlooms, guild bank slots, quests in pandaria zone, well a lot of zones, why wouldn't we try new way of fixing this? like for an example during the next month focus on fixing all quests in certain zone for example "Jade forest" and in dev log just say "and we've fixed all quests in x zone" I think this would help, with general feel of server and leveling, so we could finally put exp level to 1.

    Another suggestion community involvement with development of a server considering how much strain devs that work on Frostwolf have. community patches for an example? we would be able to do some scripting and forward the patches to staff members who can review it and implement it, with this you might want to incentivise people by giving them points and coins for an example.

    I do know some stuff with PVP are bugged here and no I'm not saying that quests should take place infront of pvp or pve i think that things that have been sitting in bugtracker for months such as guild stuff that are bugged are still "Unconfirmed" for some reason and a lot of comments actually saying that they aren't working.

    So yeah this isn't bashing just some suggestions that could work and start some discussion on the forum about some more basic issues that i mentioned :)

    Another small question for staff is: Are we going to get more of those Q&A streams? that would be even better then chatting on forums not knowing whats going on?

  2. Since a lot of basic things don't work such as, guild achievements, heirlooms, guild bank slots, quests in pandaria zone, well a lot of zones, why wouldn't we try new way of fixing this? like for an example during the next month focus on fixing all quests in certain zone for example "Jade forest" and in dev log just say "and we've fixed all quests in x zone" I think this would help, with general feel of server and leveling, so we could finally put exp level to 1.

    Another suggestion community involvement with development of a server considering how much strain devs that work on Frostwolf have. community patches for an example? we would be able to do some scripting and forward the patches to staff members who can review it and implement it, with this you might want to incentivise people by giving them points and coins for an example.

    I do know some stuff with PVP are bugged here and no I'm not saying that quests should take place infront of pvp or pve i think that things that have been sitting in bugtracker for months such as guild stuff that are bugged are still "Unconfirmed" for some reason and a lot of comments actually saying that they aren't working.

    So yeah this isn't bashing just some suggestions that could work and start some discussion on the forum about some more basic issues that i mentioned :)

    Another small question for staff is: Are we going to get more of those Q&A streams? that would be even better then chatting on forums not knowing whats going on?
    I am not developer but for community involvement in scripting in paper seems nice, but the problem is the code need thorough review, meet "warmane standard way of coding"), etc, which make the workload more then just let the active dev do their job.

    For me the best we can do to help is providing good "report" in bugtracker, that include something like:
    1. The issue in detail (not just x is not working plz fix).
    2. Information on how it should behave (vid, patchnote, etc).
    3. How to reproduce (for some bug that isnt easy to test).

    I do believe that alot of important stuff are left unconfirmed :S.
    Edited: August 6, 2017

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