1. Change Race or Allow change faction fron ALLY to HORDE

    Please as alliance we cannot change from alliance to horde it means we cannot change the race or the gender of our character.......... please unlock either one or the other but it is very annoying, it is not hard to implement and a lot of people is demending.... I don't understand why you do not allow this...


  2. Maybe because alliance would be empty then?

  3. Or maybe they could just add the race change?

  4. Ok then allow the race change if Alliance would be empty.... why the **** something is allowed for one faction and not the other.... it is stupid. And why not allowing the race change? it makes them money and every body is happy....

  5. Nobody cares. Alliance got their bonuses. That's how they decided to battle the TBC faction imbalance.
    It'd be entirely counter productive to let the people who profitted from all that to switch to Horde now, furthering imbalance.

  6. I agree race change would be very nice. I thought I wanted human but now I want to be NE.

  7. Gib ally to horde faction change. gibgibgib

  8. Never allow it. Just give people race change inside the faction.

  9. Give race change gibgibgib - dont allow faction change for any factions.

  10. Bumpyjump - get me on top so the GMs realise this should be worked on.

  11. I'm 100% sure the devs have a schedule for releases. They don't need whiny peaches like you. Just like the shop, dual spec and rename function it needs some time. Just wait for it.

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