1. How is it that you fix S3 vendors and erase all gear that doesnt belong in like 12 hours but adjusting values for S1 and 2 is now going on 96 hours? That is the part that is confusing to me and probably many others.. We don't doubt you guys are busy(Or we can at least hope), it is just.. Strange..

  2. As i said most s1 and s2 gear will be located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar, with the other outdated pvp gear
    You still didnt answer when? Everyone just wants to know WHEN. Give us some eta, so we can decide what to do with our arena points and honor. Saying it wont happen in this year is better then not saying anything. People expect those to be up each day, camp on the spots, but nothing. Once again, noone blaims you becouse they arent up, but we want some informations. So far we only know that event is slowing you down, but nothing apart from that... will it happen this week? this month? next year? thank you.

  3. Also treating it as more of a priority would be nice.. I mean, you can't go 2 min in global chat without someone asking about it so my guess is that a fairly large chunk of the server is waiting on them.

  4. how is it that you fix s3 vendors and erase all gear that doesnt belong in like 12 hours but adjusting values for s1 and 2 is now going on 96 hours? That is the part that is confusing to me and probably many others.. We don't doubt you guys are busy(or we can at least hope), it is just.. Strange..

  5. Vendors are added!!! Thank you for finally getting that out to us.. With the store update to go, once that is done you will not hear much hassling from the plebs anymore..

  6. Why for s1 shields there are not healing and dps shields for shaman/paladin?

  7. so you want to tell me that s1 have shields only for warriors? And no caster shields? :O :(

  8. Vendors are added!!! Thank you for finally getting that out to us.. With the store update to go, once that is done you will not hear much hassling from the plebs anymore..
    Ye thanks for another good job! Hoping for a quick s2 on store and we can all enjoy christmas! Gj boys

  9. Thank you and sorry. And its more than just those words. Trust and loyalty are valuable and releasing the vendor helps that. It will be better for you in the long run even relative to profit. One of the reasons I havn't used the shop is because I didn't trust the payment gateway. But now i'm much more likely to when I'm able. It changes your image in a good way, not to mention how releasing the vendor makes us feel after saving up 100 of every mark and 75k honor to get rid of the blues we've had for ages. And I know you want us to buy the gear from the shop but for some of us its just not an option and you set expectations. Its alright though because at least you released it so thank you its the right choice and I didn't expect such good news. Peace
    Edited: December 22, 2017

  10. Well, if it means anything, the issue with the vendor and items on them didn't have anything to do with donations or whatever - for those that might have suspected that. The issue was that price values and complete list of items had to be redone.

  11. Well, if it means anything, the issue with the vendor and items on them didn't have anything to do with donations or whatever - for those that might have suspected that. The issue was that price values and complete list of items had to be redone.
    Is there an ETA on updated store items?

  12. Same, was really hoping it would be before Christmas..

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