1. ToC 10man @ 12:00AM Server LFM (no gs/ach required)

    The Republic of Kekistan will be running a ToC 10-man raid tonight at 12:00AM server time (7:00PM EST for NA players). We are looking for players to fill the ranks of the raid. This is in an effort recruit people to our soon-to-start raiding core. Currently, we have have 1 DK tank, 1 DK dps, 1 Ele Shaman, and 1 Hpaly Heals. Requirements for joining are as follows:

    *NO 'real' GS requirement. I only ask that you have mostly ilvl 200+ and are gemmed/enchanted for entry-level raiding.
    *NO achievement required. I only ask that you view the tactics for each of the 5 fights on YouTube prior to the raid (and your specific role).
    *Ability to English. It is the only language I can speak!
    *Ability to use Discord for voice.

    Again, this raid is mostly an effort for us to find competent and enjoyable players to fill our ranks as we prepare to officially start weekly guild raids in the next couple of weeks. We are currently in our first phase of building. I know there are players like myself out there that are looking for that authentic WotLK raiding experience again, and I look forward to meeting you tonight.

    For more information, message Amaryn or Suo in-game.

  2. Still need ranged dps, 1 healer, and 1 ot/dps (pref war/paly).

  3. how long will be the server shutteddown?

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