Even tho pop was low, those who logged still made the server fun as hell xD. final year of uni calls and i have to depart, but regardless Ty to nelth community and hopefully i can return after couple months. Till then best of luck all and have fun <3..........................For The Alliance
Same goes for me, but I am not leaving. I don't say I'm active, mainly on Icecrown and retail WoW but what I like about so small community is everyone knows each other and if you are really good player, or person, community will notice that, also that goes for specific AH farmers, like, everybody know that one person who always farms for you lazy faggs. Also, leveling experience was good but it could be worst in my life if I wasn't in Specialist guild. There are so many guild who will rise you up and take you as their soldier or son. (read what is better xd)
For 200-300 population in one time, I must say GLOBAL IS ALIVE. Whenever I log into neltharion, there's always some troll philosophizing in global chat, most people hate that, but I think that keeps the server alive. the game, whatever.