1. Blizzard // Winter's Chill

    Hi, so I'm playing a mage for the first time in BC, and I was wondering why Blizzard doesn't proc Winter's Chill? All I found from the forums is the following bugreport which allegedly fixed a bug: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/44555 , but as far as I can tell, it broke the spells interactions?

    Winter's Chill: "Gives your Frost damage spells a XX% chance to apply the Winter's chill effect..."

    Blizzard: "Ice shards pelt the target area doing XX Frost damage over 8 sec."

    Am I missing something or did they break a spell that worked in the first place before being "fixed"


  2. Isn't there a talent in the frost tree that adds it to blizzard?

  3. There is a talent giving it a chill effect, but that shouldn't matter as spells like Ice Lance applies WC without having any chill effect to it
    Edited: March 2, 2018

  4. Bump. Anyone know what's going on here?

  5. Working as intended.

    While the tooltip is misleading, looking at the wiki history for Winter's Chill shows that Blizzard never did apply it in retail. Best I could find was a forum post suggesting that Blizzard(company) thought that Blizzard(spell) applying winter's chill to mass targets would be overpowered.

    Reference (wiki article rolled back to April 2008/patch 2.4.1):

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