1. Can i be helped Please ?

    My Account is 8 years Active , i'm premium , i used to donate a lot , Why cannot the staff help me with this TwoFactAuthentication Problem ? Why they don't answer me to my Emails ( only one answer in 11 hours ) In quality of donor and an old member of MoltenWoW i have the priority to be helped , if you dont want to lose a potential customer/donor/supporter , Just Remove my TwoFactAuthenthicator Please the tool is not sending the Email to the correct Email i cannot remember wich email is bounded to this because is a 8 years old account , i hope that the dear Warmane staff help me soon and Check you info@warmane in Boxes i sended you my Account Name as you answered to me , so please help me solve this problem.

  2. if you've emailed [email protected] just sit back and wait, replies can take a few days. you are no more important than anyone else regardless of being a donor or how long you've been here.

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