1. Buy gold ond store with coins

    Hi, I want to buy gold in the store, but I need a "discount code" to make the transaction and I do not know how to get it

  2. You do not need discount code. It's optional. Just leave it empty.

  3. how do you buy gold from the store?

  4. I cant. a warning appears saying: You must have Two Factors Authetication enabled to purchase items. I want to buy gold from the seccion "trade- item trade"

  5. I cant. a warning appears saying: You must have Two Factors Authetication enabled to purchase items. I want to buy gold from the seccion "trade- item trade"
    Then get yourself Two Factor Authentication. It's only good for your account safety.

  6. And there’s one sad fact: Once you setup 2-Way Auth. you still need to wait three days before buying gold.

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