1. I see and understand your points, and i'm not trying to cause an argument; only health debate.

    You still seem to think there is some dark magic and the planets align at the right time in order for someone to post an auction on neutral AH. Outland alone has an average of 7-8000 players online... Once you factor in the free faction change from horde to alliance this dramatically increases the chances of seeing auctions being posted. No i wont know when you specifically post an auction and i couldn't care less. But with such a high and active population there will inevitably be more auctions/trades than just yours.

    All i'm trying to do, in the interest of fairness, is bring to light how this can be achieved without botting, and offer some solutions, or at least insight, on how to avoid having an auction being purchased.

    N.B. Frapsing this wasn't pointless as i flew from stormwind to booty bay and then the planets aligned and some guy was transferring stuff. No cunning or guile needed. I didn't even click fast

    Also you should try updating your game client because without addons you can still sort by current price on the auction house
    Edited: April 10, 2018

  2. Now as for the neutral AH matter. I will state the main issues presented to you when trying to snipe me. You will have no idea WHICH AH I am accessing and WHEN I do it.
    Hardly matters which neutral AH you're using as they're all linked together with the same items.

  3. Hardly matters which neutral AH you're using as they're all linked together with the same items.
    His point is that: if you are at winterspring and I am at booty bay, you don't know that I am going to post on the neutral AH. You don't know when my auction will show up , and that the only way you can buyout my auction faster than me is with an automated scan and buyout program which non-botting addons can't do.

    All i'm trying to do, in the interest of fairness, is bring to light how this can be achieved without botting, and offer some solutions, or at least insight, on how to avoid having an auction being purchased.
    I understand your point, but it's falling on deaf ears because the players abusing this are very obviously bots
    Edited: April 10, 2018

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