Apologies if this has already been asked, but what are the long-term plans for servers like Lordaeron et al?

I was thinking about the original release of Icecrown without a low-rates Blizzlike server until Lordaeron was released, starting at Vanilla and working its way up all the way to WOTLK.

As I wasn't able to fully experience that, I am admittedly ignorant to whether or not it was successful, however based on population counts alone it seems like it was.

I was wondering if perhaps the staff were thinking of revisiting that? Maybe following a semi-competitive seasonal model - where after a season is done and dusted the characters are merged into existing realms?

From a new player's perspective I think it would be an excellent way to experience an accelerated retail-like expansion progression, with all the ups and downs associated with it. I know it is a very successful model for games such as Path of Exile, Diablo, OSRS etc.

Would love to hear other people's opinions about Lordaerons progression too.