Launch Lord v2 before classic release !
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Oo this is going to be nice. ive played this server for 8 years now and it is dank as ****. thanks for everything guys. i hope it lasts many more aswel!
ok, so i get it, old players who have 10+ max geared chars, got nothing to do, everything easy with that gear, bla bla, so, ya take raids and make them more challenging. Nice and dandy, BUT, what about the new players? Cause, what's going on right now is you are favoring old players waaaaay over new players, bc most raids are there to gear up, to prepare for that end game rad, but thanks to those so called "tweaks", EVERY single raid is asking for insanely high gear....icc 10 normal 5.8k? ToC 5.6k....etc, its very very hard on are ya gonna address that? huh?
I'd rather wait for the retail legacy server(s).
You might want to read the text you quoted again more carefully.
What would be the point of new TBC realm with increased rates?Lets say 15x everything.You gear yourself in 2 months,and then what?Chilling around?You could do the same on current server.
Why is that up to the devs to fix? You act like people who are top geared on the server didn't go through the same grind you're talking about now, even before the previous ICC nerf and overall less geared players. These peoples will do the same grind everyone else did, except most pug raids are able to go 7/12 easily instead of the 3-boss runs that I had to do every week to get my legs and Zod's way back when. Furthermore, with more people being geared in pugs means newcomers have a better chance of receiving loot.
They're not buffing content, they're nerfing content because everything is, more-or-less a couple bosses here and there, on farm for both Alliance and Horde. Aside from a couple "overtuned" bosses that are never killed, I don't think end-wing bosses should receive any nerf, but if they do, I hope done with a great amount of tact.
I honestly have no idea what you're complaining about. Content is receiving minor nerfs, which will make it even easier for newcomers.
... hopefully they will make it work, in retail wow it shows your item level equiped and then it also shows highest item level considering gear in your bag
i'm not satisfied with new changes in Blackrock to be honest. there is no reward for honour we gain after we buy all off-parts and bg queue time for alliance is so long now sometimes like 10 minutes where before it was mixed factions an q time was less than 1 minute. another problem is 3v3 soloQ which was long for dps cause of low number of healers then i made a healer character and q time was really low and i was happy. unfortunately with new system q time for healer is also long. going fast into a battle is main priority for gamers so plz fix it warmane
I hope I can continue to optimize the content of TBC and open up the alliance to change camp.
Not only unable to write but also unable to comprehend, this is the kind of players that want lordaeron to be nerfed as much as possible.
The content being hard is what gives reason to play the game, having everything on farm without any effort just makes no sense for old and new players alike.
Also the requirements you mentioned are completely off, perhaps you got confused with icecrown, because those are the same requirements for icecrown realm :D
Can you elaborate on this? What do you consider as a worthy player? Where can a worthy player pick up that quest line?
After playing a week of these new gs separated bgs(both with low gear and bis chars) here are my thoughts:
-Some matches are actually more fun because of better "balance"
-For healers its better because they dont have to heal useless trash geared ppl but instead geared guys who actually do damage
-90% of the matches are still one sided farmfest with a clear winner (it just takes longer to finish because of balanced gears)
-Because the matches take longer, the newbies get honor slower so they can actually get gear slower and harder (still getting gy farmed just not for 5mins from bis ppl but 20mins from the winning team). It is better to get 800honor/5min than in 30-40min. This also affects veterans because its harder to farm hks now and especially achs (win 100 ab that takes 30min now instead of the 3-5m with 5 flags or win wsg under 7 minute lol). As an icc ally main it was better to just lose quickly and req.
-Que times while the servers are full are longer now than they were before crossrealm in the mornings, up to even 10mins.
-This system is prone to abuse in the image of bis weapon "low gs" twinks
So while this system was a nice gesture/try it just makes it harder for both beginners and veterans (gs separation not crossrealm just to be clear)
Everyone can make a char on br and get free rele if gear is the problem.
Thats all just from the top of my head.
Sorry for bad english