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No. He's multiboxing. He controls each character. It's 1. You can also phrase it as 15 alliance vs 1 multiboxer using 15 characters. In the end, still just 1 Horde vs 15 alliance.
I know what a multiboxer is. Since he playing 15 horde characters its 15 hordes vs 15 alliances.
Imagine forming a 15 man raid to grief lowbies in Tanaris xD Good one Biggy you showed them their place.
They do it all the time, also using their horde alts to "call for help" in global, while camping the flight path to kill whoever land there.
confused them once by using Far Sight on my shaman all the way from Orgrimmar, saw some of them try to look for the hidden shaman,
Funny that you got raped by Apocalypsead plenties of times and swear him to not attack you because you are just bad and he is better than you :-)
Keep trying baby
Who is Apocalypsead? Throw some screenshots/videos plz, wanna check if i missed something out there lol. <3
Love this #wannabeatbakalar posts on forum, keep up good work :)
Meanwhile sit in the corner and w8 for better days.
More news @ https://www.twitch.tv/starynatv
Nope, he just leveled all by himself. :P
Me 15 mixed , Xevious 5 shammies, Disgusdean 10 druids and Theesewoods 12 druids are only Multiboxers on Lordaeron that lvled 1-80 by ourselves, everything else is fake, im on Lordaeron since day 1 and i know what i am talking about. Thre was 1 more that got lvl 80 also named Tuomo 15 shammy boxer, but he got banned cause wintrading years ago.
Im only one left atm that is still legit and allive. I see few more Mboxers are trying to get to 80, i whish them good luck.
Dont spread lies on forums plz cause im here and watching u :)
Well I am pleased to announce that I already hit 80 with my first team this week. 2 more teams are now around 70. All leveled from scratch w/o any help. I am more of a PVE guy, but will have a look at wPVP when I get them geared up.
Good job, how many do you have? What is your team?? :D
Which faction? Horde or Alliance? :)
I'm playing horde. The 80 team is mixed protadin, shp/disci, bala, resto/ele sham, arcane mage.
Second team is @67 - protadin, 2x feral, hybrid DK, holy priest and the third one is @72 - frost tank DK, 3x blood DK and resto druid.
I hate questing so I'm leveling almost exclusively through dungeon finder, so it takes a while. At least I have time to upgrade my PC as it's bit laggy even with 5 in Dalaran.
When you see "My own little world" guild it's me.
I also have team on Outland (same as the first one only instead of druid i have lock there), but I abandoned them around lvl 64.
How do you even manage to do that? Never really understood MB, but always pleased to see those 15 same looking guys at the SW auction house :D