1. Is this bannable?

    Dear Warmane community,

    I would be glad if someone answer my question. The topic is, that one rogue player is constantly killing and stunning people in Booty Bay without any penalization or triggering goblin guards. Most of the time he's camping one room in bar without guards, so he can stun and kill any low level player without alerting guards. Or he's just stealthing trough Booty Bay and stunning anybody he can find.
    So my guestion is: Is this bannable? It's very disturbing to be in Booty Bay while this player is doing his "job".
    I will expose his name to admins if they manage to mark his actions as bannable.
    Thank you for reading this. Have you ever been in similiar situation? What would you do in my place?

    King regards

    PS: See ya in battlefield! :)
    Edited: March 8, 2020

  2. It's not bannable.
    If you're leveling/questing in the area, I recommend going elsewhere.

  3. It's not, but if he's doing it constantly for hours and days, it could become gameplay disturbance. So idk, maybe track him for a bit and ask mods directly.

    Try to lvl up through booty bay faster, or ask somebody to bodyguard you for a bit - it probably won't save you, but you'd still get the satisfaction of watching the rogue die as well.

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