1. Chars with ''instant 80'' buyed, can be sold on trade system ?

    so why ppl just dont buy instant 80 for 20 coins and re sell for 30 ? for sell need lvl up the char manually ?

  2. Because for 20 coins you get lvl80, but for 30 coins on trade you get the same +items/riding/reputations/professions/mounts/etc/etc

    And plenty people actually buy instant 80 and post them for 30 on trade, there are some chars posted like that since 2015.
    Edited: August 30, 2022

  3. And given the 15% fee you are left with what, 26 coins? The difference is 6 coins, which is like 17000g. Too little gold for the amount of boes and work on professions and rep (at least ashen verdict) that you will have to do.

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