1. Find Solution

    It seems ip get stucked, cause i entered from other wifi and the game runs perfect. After that i restared my router and the game from my wifi runs perfect

  2. Still doesn't work

    so its been 2nd day and still cant login same as many other's. THIS AINT just a balkan aera problem its a major problem and warmane staff should take it very seriously this is terrible to happen and their support is on 4th grade kid's lvl its a disgrace for private server with this amout of population. redirecting ppl to an usless copy paste msg for problem solving wont help any 1 wake up staff and do ur job, from what i've seen this all started to happen since new patch on Frostmourne realesed.

    since i have tried every possible combination to solve this ( flush DNS renew router tried new client delete cache/wtf/addons folders and still nothing works) some IP's might have been stuck in process and that needs to be solved. i beg Staff to take this seriously they are losing ppl and donators.

  3. Automatic disconnection when logging in with my warmane account

    From the beginning I thought it was because Extlist had changed so I tried changing my computer and the thing remains the same (it should be noted that on this new PC the files are just as I downloaded them from the wow aura client, also that I had no problems with this before client), I would like to know if you can help me please with this problem.

  4. Doesn't work

    I am from Spain and cant even enter into the character login because "you have been diconnected"

  5. Hey guys a not perma solution to this is try itop vpn mini (free) and logg from uk server. worked for me and i got low latency. (i am from europe)

  6. you have been disconnected from the server

    I have a problem, I try to connect by entering username and password, everything works fine but when I choose the server it tells me: you have been disconnected from the server (it does not let me see my list of characters, and the problem has been present since yesterday, since I am playing the server 6 months ago and so far that happens to me) help please.

    Deadlypriest - icecrowm

  7. Problemas para ingresar al juego

    Desde el dia de ayer no puedo entrar al juego usando el wifi de mi hogar, no me cargan los servidores y cada que intento entrar, me aparece que fui desconectado. Probé usando los datos de telefono movil y con ellos si puedo entrar al juego, alguien sabe que puede estar ocurriendo? este problema lo teng sólo desde ayer y el wifi lo tengo desde hace meses, no he cambiado nada

  8. Server disconnection

    Good afternoon, I have had problems logging into my account since I am disconnected. I have been having this problem since Thursday morning

  9. unable to connect to the server at this time try again later

    cant log in the server i will try many times, i wait 5 and 10 minutes too and dont work, anyone know what i can do ?

  10. it helps me maybe for you too

    I got the same issues as you for 3 days. Today i just restarted my router and then i deleted cache folder. Now i can play without instant dosconnected.

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