So a guy searched boost today on lvl 79 for violet hold hc. Asked him how he can enter but didnt answered.Also saw some 70s with wotlk hc achis.How possible enter hcs under lvl 80?
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So a guy searched boost today on lvl 79 for violet hold hc. Asked him how he can enter but didnt answered.Also saw some 70s with wotlk hc achis.How possible enter hcs under lvl 80?
go to instance and walk inside them.
You can't do that, you get a message saying that heroic dungeons are only available at level 80.
Then how you can enter under lvl 80?
lvl 70 with hc achis
No clue if it still works, but you used to be able to have a warloc summon you in. That's how we used to do it back in the day with guildies so they had gear before they hit 80, got some extra quest and got those last 10 levels super fast.