1. Hope for Frostwolf

    I have recently been playing on Frostwolf for a change and it has been amazing (the aesthetic, the lore), However it is heavily glitchy with multiple quests not working and npc's not showing up.
    I understand that these problems have little to no chance of being solved as there are not enough people interested in playing on Frostwolf.
    Is there any hope in Warmane trying/wanting to revive this server?
    I consider it a thoroughly enjoyable experience and I am saddend by the lore-relevant quests that aren't working.
    1. Could it become a seasonal realm in order to attract more people to it? Is this worth is considering the fact that it is glitchy?
    2. Given the fact that it is an expansion not yet available on retail vanilla and that warmane is the most popular private server, is it possible that Warmane might find some reason to give it more attention?

  2. I've been playing on Frostwolf for far too long (since 2016 or 2017) and I can say for the most part that Warmane doesn't give a flying fuk about Frostwolf. If they cared about the realm they should've been fixing all kinds of stuff a long time ago. We've broken events, dungeons, raids, specs, skills, quests, and more. Considering the low population (which is in fact their fault for essentially abandoning the server and not even mercy kill it) they won't bother. Frostwolf will likely continue to remain on life support until Warmane decides that it's milked enough from the remaining donors and finally close it.

    Warmane focuses mostly on WotLK (there's even a seasonal realm) and that is likely what they are going to focus on for the rest of the server's continuity. Some have asked about a Legion realm, but completely miss the fact that many core elements of Legion stain from MoP.

    If you like PvP, you will not find it on Frostwolf. Literally. It doesn't exist. If you want to dungeons, good luck. If you want to raid, there's only two different groups of people who do them (both on Alliance).

    If you are somehow enjoying Frostwolf or at the very least find it tolerable, then power to you. Just don't expect anything but silence and gradual disappointment.

    I've been reporting bugs concerning mostly endgame raiding content, and I dare not report anything else outside of it because I know it's not getting fixed. We' haven't had our legendary cloaks for two whole years and the realm's been open for much, much longer than that. The fixes and implementations are always too late. Something gets broken every day.

    There is no hope.

  3. Thank you for your reply.
    I was previously aware of the fact that Warmane has pretty much abandoned it, however i *was* holding on to some hope that they might reconsider it what with wotlk classic getting added to retail.
    I have been playing on the wotlk servers for around 2-3 years and trying out the mop one was quite refreshing (albeit daunting because of the constant glitches).

    Warmane focuses mostly on WotLK (there's even a seasonal realm) and that is likely what they are going to focus on for the rest of the server's continuity.
    The seasonal realm was part of my foolish hope - because I have been around for most if not all of the server restarts on Frostmourne and I have noticed that in the first days/week it is packed with active players (way fewer afk than on mature servers). That week-long experience is genuinely worth it despite most of the characters ending up abandoned.

    Doing the same for Frostwolf would no doubt shift some player focus onto it and give Warmane a reason to revive it - tho I am aware that the payoff of this might not be worth the effort required to fix everything wrong with Frostwolf + taking into consideration what you said about Warmane not even wanting to revive it...

    But since this was a suggestion forum I thought that it's worth a mention.

    Regardless, thank you for your answer.

  4. It's certainly easier to have an optimistic view when you've had a positive experience with the WotLK realms. I've nothing against suggestions of course, but it when it comes to FW it's best people know what they're getting into.

  5. The realm oficially died around 2017 when last of the big guilds moved and will remain in this state. Noone of the players who tasted it, wasted their time and was forced to leave because one or other reason will ever come back to this clownfest.

  6. Doing the same for Frostwolf would no doubt shift some player focus onto it and give Warmane a reason to revive it - tho I am aware that the payoff of this might not be worth the effort required to fix everything wrong with Frostwolf + taking into consideration what you said about Warmane not even wanting to revive it...
    If we were to expand on the seasonal server concept, it would make no sense to go for Mists of Riding on Kung-fu Panda's Hype, even skipping Cataclysm. The natural choice would be going further back, starting with Vanilla, through Burning Crusade and up to Wrath of the Lich King instead.

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