[] Temporary interface freeze after character login
I have 2 characters at Lordaeron, both with the same set of enabled addons.
One character login happens as it should: I choose character => I see loading screen => I see my charater in the world and able to interact with it.
Other character login is being weird: I choose character => I see loading screen => I see my charater in the world, but UNABLE to interact with it for 10-20 seconds, just see frozen picture, which may unfreeze and become responsive after these 10-20 seconds or I may be disconnected. While waiting, if I click anywhere, Windows shows system message about application being unresponsive, offering me either wait or close this application forcefully. If I wait - game may unfreeze or I may be disconnected.
What may cause such game client behaviour and how do I deal with it?
Have you disabled addons on second char, and see if that changes things?
Not sure why it didn't occur to me, but no, I didn't.
Now I did, and looks like "QuestGuru" addon cause the problem. But, for the life of me, I have no idea why only one character is affected.
Not sure why it didn't occur to me, but no, I didn't.
Now I did, and looks like "QuestGuru" addon cause the problem. But, for the life of me, I have no idea why only one character is affected.
Probably a specific quest. Had similar issue when a quest had a timer, started quest, got freeze. Logged in and again freezing, other char was fine, so I tried 3rd time, still freezing. Disabled addons and issue was fixed. Did the quest and then enabled addons again.
Probably a specific quest. Had similar issue when a quest had a timer, started quest, got freeze. Logged in and again freezing, other char was fine, so I tried 3rd time, still freezing. Disabled addons and issue was fixed. Did the quest and then enabled addons again.
Thank you kindly for your participation in this discussion!
Stay well!
Can you share the backported version you're using? I've checked the addon and it's created for MoP+, using some api functions and events which are originally not available on this client/version of WoW, but that's affecting only the real time UI modification, not saved variables per character for collapsing/expanding
Sorry if it took long, forum doesn't send notifications of new messages, so I'm basicly back here by luck :)
I had problem with version 1.4.1 I found long time ago, but today I found version 2.0b2, which offer very nice changes:
[q]Version 2.0 Beta 2
* QuestGuru now modifies the quest log to add quest level and checkboxes for tracking quests (like previous versions of QuestGuru)
Version 2.0 Beta 1
* Incorporated History function, QuestGuru History is no longer a separate module
* QuestGuru is now a modification of the built-in quest log, rather than a replacement
* History is no longer stored on you computer but is retrieved from the server instead
* Removed some features that were causing problems and slimmed down the addon to reduce memory usage
* Upgraded to ChatThrottleLib v21[/q]