1. Wotlk has the unfair pvp balance. U see all top pvpers are alliance and top pvp guilds are alliance too. Horde players mostly like to do pvEs. Before mboxer players come in 1x realm, everyday orgrimmar ganged by alliance pvpers. In 5x realm, 5-7 active pvp guilds in ally side bullying everyone in wpvps. The main reason is hordes never do pvp together. Then i choose to 5character boxing. Organized 4 ally is way better than 5man boxing, u will see it!

  2. I'm not talking about winrate. Winning or losing bg is of course important, but not that important compared to pvp experience itself. I know there are some people who doesn't care about anything but winning or losing, but some people like me care more about the process more than the outcome. And even if multiboxers have questionable impact on outcome they completely ruin the process for anyone else. Why should I build a team dedicated specifically to oppose multiboxers every time I want to visit bg? Why one guy with 5 accounts and a botting software is allowed to force me to play the game the way I don't want to play, but when I want to force him to play the game the way he don't want to play it's suddenly a big no no?
    you're calling it botting even though it isn't which has been exlained not only here but on retail aswell for decades and you refuse to work with other people, random or not, to beat him so really next time just click no when asked to agree on TOS

    I know you tried to frame it as a simple question but it is like the 1000th time its been asked and it always ends up in discussion thats going in circles

  3. So basically, just like I said before your position is "We do what we want and you are wrong just because". Very informative indeed.

    No way to argue with person who has set their mind allready.
    However, you have not even tried and have already drawn several conclusions based on literally nothing.

    Mind you, 'anti mb team' would require you a toon or two with AoE CC in your team. I will let you figure out what those could possibly be. In my experience multiboxing could be beneficial for av, in all other bgs they suffer tremendously. But then again does it matter if you are against full bis premade group or 5m multiboxer? At least I know which one i'd prefer to face.
    I really don't understand why you keep pushing the point that multiboxing doesn't give you 100% winrate when I've said it clearly several times already that my problem with multiboxing is not that it gives you an advantage on a larger scale and helps you win bgs, which is obviously not the case. My problem is that it's unhealthy and unfun to play against on a local, personal level. Imagine playing any other online game, say any FPS game, where you have some kind of sniper rifle that kills you with one shot to the head and two shots to the torso. But then some guy started multiboxing and even with only 2 windows he could kill you with that sniper rifle by shooting you in the torso with a single shot (click). Does that make him unkillable and guarantee that his win rate will be higher than average? Of course not. But does it make it less fun for a solo player to play against him? Obviously yes.

    What annoys me even more is that in my OP post I asked for an explanation, the reasoning behind allowing multiboxing in the first place, because I really want to know the thought process of these people, because when I tried to give it a thought I came to a different conclusion and I wanted to know how other people think. But every answer I got was either "Huh, what? You haven't magically absorbed the knowledge of every discussion on this topic for the last 15 years? Too bad, I'm not going to tell you anything" or "WHAT?!!! YOU WANT TO GET RID OF MULTIBOXING ON THIS SERVER???? MULTIBOXING IS NOT ILLEGAL AND IT STAYS!" or even "Wow, you asked me to explain my point of view on this matter and you have a different opinion? Well, it's clear as day that it's impossible to make you change your mind, so I won't even try."

  4. Because anyone can see that despite your claim, you have zero intention of being convinced.

    No matter what anyone says, you will unerringly fall back to the comfort of "but I don't find it fun to get my *** handed by a multiboxer." It's your "unbeatable" pseudo-argument, because no one will ever be able to convince you that you have fun with it.

  5. What annoys me even more is that in my OP post I asked for an explanation, the reasoning behind allowing multiboxing in the first place
    You can always ask, but you're not entitled for an answer, nor is Warmane even required to provide an answer.
    Let's say you get your answer, what would you do with it? Would you then go say the reasoning is stupid, smart, reasonable, or would you then go on how it should be changed? Maybe something rare like "Okay, thank you for your answer" for a change? I bet whatever is the reasoning, you'd find a way to be dissatisfied about it.

  6. But can you please give me real arguments why this is fair and should be allowed?
    bro, u cant just complain and expect a vegan meat on people's restaurant. its their product, they can do whatever they want to it. u allowed yourself using their free product, but then u find some freature u dont like and u want them to explain themselves so u can argue and prove them wrong? cz u know, if u want to suggest something for the server, theres a specific section for that.

  7. @ thread, I could gank you mercilessly with a few of my characters just as well as any multiboxer could. After a while, you'd feel your efforts are just as futile as you feel they are against a multiboxer. Would you then make a post on the forum about getting ganked?

    bro, u cant just complain and expect a vegan meat on people's restaurant. its their product, they can do whatever they want to it. u allowed yourself using their free product, but then u find some freature u dont like and u want them to explain themselves so u can argue and prove them wrong? cz u know, if u want to suggest something for the server, theres a specific section for that.
    I appreciate your perspective, but unfortunately for him;


    • Multiboxing - Our policies regarding multiboxing aren't up to discussion. If we decide to change them, we will do so of our own accord. We are more than aware of any and all arguments you might want to make about it.

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