1. Trying to start a "we have no idea what we're doing" guild

    I used to play cataclysm 10 years ago, and I just now recently got back into playing on Icecrown. I'd like to start a guild with other people who also are new to the game again, or are at least not super familiar.
    If anyone is interested in such a thing I'm [Mikehaawk].
    If you want to get into raids, late 9pm - 2am central standard time would be the best schedule I can come up with, and that works for any day as well.

  2. Hi, would you be alliance or horde side? If I'm not wrong that's about 10pm in Singapore where I am, I don't mind helping out with a character or two. Cheers.

  3. hi, would you be alliance or horde side? If i'm not wrong that's about 10pm in singapore where i am, i don't mind helping out with a character or two. Cheers.
    for the horde!!!!

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