1. Are draenei/belves still locked to TBC release?

  2. PvP and lowered rates to 3x!!!!! I wasn't gonna bother with 5x rates but 3x is enough for a leveling journey on the way to raiding. HUUUUGE.

  3. Super glad they dropped to 3x, 5x just felt too rushed. PvP is also an amazing addition, very glad to see we got a good middle ground that most can be happy with now.

  4. 8 weeks of Molton core, not sure that's enough time to gear up 25 people. Have you updated number of items per boss?
    8 weeks is quite okay, but you can always do alt raids for maximum loot

  5. will faction/race changes be available as they were on frostmourne?

  6. Are draenei/belves still locked to TBC release?
    Yes. They were added in TBC, so why would they add them sooner

  7. Must say, good choice for lowering the rates to 3x, Vanilla isn't heavy on end game so no point in rushing, awesome for fresh (before TBC you could raise the rates for newcomers or for those who want to change class)

    Arenas! Awesome, hopefully there is solo queue and some rewards system, but not to be the main one source of PvP rewards/gear (maybe for some PvP related pots and mats). Vanilla isn't balanced for arenas.

    Rated BGs hopefully you can make them, the is huge incentive for PvPers to play and have a lot more fun, plus from your side people will buy way bigger more gear to compete.

  8. I believe that 25 man raids are really a no go for vanilla. It really does kill the experience of raids and guilds.
    It's what made it special.

    Also, the progression seems TOO fast. To round up a whole expansion less than year, thats tough.

    Please take these in consideration one more time.

  9. What will be the reputacion/profession rates?

  10. Thank you for the wonderful news :)

    Will GDKPS be prohibited? Really hope so that they will.

  11. x3? Well, guess the vocal 50-people minority won against the default x5.

  12. Yeah. I'm really REALLY unhappy about this. I'd even pay for faster xp

  13. what will happen with the characters after the season is concluded? Will there be a realmtransfer to icecrown or do the chars get deleted?

  14. what will happen with the characters after the season is concluded? Will there be a realmtransfer to icecrown or do the chars get deleted?
    Most likely a transfer to Icecrown. I don't see why multi-year project would just throw the characters in the trash after the journey they went though.

  15. While I'm hyped that it already starts in November and not next year, I'm disappointed that the exp rates got lowered to x3. There has been a thread about exp rates for Onixya where the moderators defended the increased exp rates, everyone could just tone them down if they wanted to. And now suddenly the rates get reduced. Any Information about why this decision was made?

    quoting from warcraft tavern:

    At 10 hours played per week it will take 5 and a half months to reach level 60
    At 20 hours played per week if will take 2.8 months to reach level 60
    Even if you play 40 hours per week it will still take you 1.4 months to reach level 60

    Of course these numbers are not set in stone, skilled people can do it faster with optimized strategy.
    But i will be honest with you: I'm not part of that demography. So I will see myself spending at least a month on leveling and phase 1 will already beginn after 1 week. I don't know how it will play out, but I can imagine that when I hit 60 I will have trouble to find raids because I'm too far behind the current progress.

    I don't want to make this game my 2nd life and classic is already tedious enough (like mount at lvl 40)

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