1. The current queue for AV on Horde is 2h22m. If there is such a backlog of Horde players, removing any minimum Alliance requirements for Mercenary Mode will solve 80% of the problem. Even if it's only Horde vs. Horde, give us an option to play rather than playing at most 1 game per day....

  2. Why on earth is rank on this server determined by HKs rather than by honor?

    Here's the deal: Warsong Gulch, Arathi Basin, and Alterac Valley are games. They're games that have a start and an end, and reward players primarily for completing objectives and winning the game. They are not just zones for players to log into and engage in the absolutely most braindead way of PVPing, which is farming graveyards. In vanilla only griefers do this, because in fact HKs in vanilla have diminishing returns for honor, and after you kill the same player five or so times in a row, he is only giving you one honor point per kill, and therefore is worthless for ranking up. This is how the game is supposed to be played, and it's not debatable. This is why the PVP honor system is based on honor, rather than based just on HKs.

    Why on earth would you want to remove the value of winning in battlegrounds, and just turn them into braindead zones for graveyard camping? Why? There is no logic in this and no reason to do it, just like there is no reason for the BGs to not provide marks which are turned in for honor--another incentive for winning.

    You want to know why you're sitting in a two hour queue for AV? Because of this ridiculous decision, which absolutely has to be changed right away if this server is going to be taken seriously by anyone who focuses on PVP. Either they make ranks based on honor and implement BG marks and BG honor rewards properly, or this server is DOA for PVP, and all of us who take it seriously will leave. There's nothing else to say.

  3. I completely agree with this. They PVP state is very disappointing. Glad to see your comment because they keep deleting mine.

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