1. is that normal ? ?mpossible to kill Death Knight

    with ret paladin I can kill most people. Atleast I have %50 change to kill. But when I see a death knight not possible to give a damage much. They are like invulnerable. I do very little damage. Should I accept that because of wotk rising of DK's ? or continiue to cry?

  2. Despite what Ret paladins think, you are not supposed to beat all other classes in 1v1. WoW has asymmetrical PvP "balance" in form close to Rock-Paper-Scissors. So yeah, you can continue to cry

  3. MAMA it is so hard to accept that :....(

  4. In every single 1v1 tournament held by warmane a ret has won.

    (This post may include slight exaggerations)

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