1. Onyxia Arena Event

    Hey everyone, I've decided to host an arena event for the server.

    It will be a 3v3 single elimination bracket style tournament at Gurubashi arena. I'm throwing 500g of my own money for the prize pool and asking 100g per team entry. Winner take all.

    1: If any outside interference occurs the round is replayed if no one from either team has died yet. If outside interference occurs when one team is clearly winning, no replay will be done.

    2: All specialty items are accepted IE: Tidal charm, boomerang, grenades ect.

    3: All consumes are accepted. If you want to raid prep a 3v3 match that's on you. I feel like this is easier than dealing with complainers saying the other team used flask, health pot, ect.

    4. You cannot stack more than 2 of the same class together for your comp. No 3 rogue comps. But you can still run 2 rogue and a druid for example.

    You can message me on discord at slum0001. Event date and time will be given when you buy in so as to not get trolled by half the server.

    I will update the total prize pool here (500) as it increases

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