1. Possible Character-"transfer" from Wotlk-Classic


    currently thinking about continuing Wotlk on Warmane. would it be possible to "transfer" my characters? If so, to what extent, e.g. class/level/professions?

  2. Warmane does not transfer characters to or from them.

  3. ok, so that would mean a complete start from scratch?

    i am asking, because i once made the experience that a PS would create max lvl chars for you, if you could present evidence for their existence in the "real world".

  4. Warmane is the real world.

  5. It's completely unrelated, there is no such a thing. It's on the same level of absurdity as entering Minecraft server and asking for flashbangs you bought in counter-strike. It's completely two different things.

  6. It's completely unrelated, there is no such a thing. It's on the same level of absurdity as entering Minecraft server and asking for flashbangs you bought in counter-strike. It's completely two different things.
    Sorry, i was just asking. no offense meant. In fact, Back2Basics (TBC) is offering such a service (but one would need one legit max level char before applying). thats why i was asking.

  7. Right, I worded it too strongly. Last time something like that happened here was when AT private server merged with Warmane, so playerbase with their characters came here.
    Overall it's simply not worth it, so it does not happen.

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