1. Majordomo Executus

    Alright guys. I made a post in the bugtracker about Majordomo not being able to be aggro'd whenever he has his melee shield on (Tank can't hit him, so he destroys the healers) and staff said that this was intended and we should git gud (Cause, you know? I don't really mind that, we're a casual guild after all)

    So now i'm here to ask now: What are you doing now to deal with this change? You focus him down after the shield explodes? It has 30k and last a good amount of time, so i don't think thats viable anymore... Any suggestions are welcome

    Also: Is it really necessary to keep changing MC at this point? I can understand bugs, but i don't remember this to be intended (I played 2019 classic so i might be wrong, but seeing vods i can't seem to find that "feature" at all)

    Have a good day.

    P.D: Leaving the link of the bugtracker post

  2. If you are in the wrong position to begin with then Majordomo will outrun you and since healers are close they get a bunch of aggro quickly before you can do anything. Nobody else should be attacking Majordomo (in the clip, hunter pulls aggro, he shouldn't even be standing back there) so taunt should never be on cooldown. The clip starts out with a healer pulling aggro which is a problem with your tank's threat. If something like your taunt problem does happen (resisted, for example) then one of your other free tanks (since their add is dead) should pick him up immediately and pull him back to the correct position. I'm also really not sure why Square ended up on the other side of the arena.

  3. We had the same issues. as long as he is out and away from the healers should be good. if not as soon as a second tank frees up then get him near to try and grab.


    Last night was unable to hold agro, we had 3 people on him for taunts etc. it started out great but as soon as i was ported in fire agro was lost and at that point it was impossible to get back, even with 3 taunts and him away from raid.

    Definitely think something is going on here that shouldnt be.
    Edited: March 11, 2024

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