1. Multiboxing Gold Making - Suggestions?

    I've had several ideas on how to "abuse" the power of multiboxing in order to make gold i na way that normal players can not.

    First thing that comes to mind is farming RDF hc for emblems and DE gear. Other things might include daily quest for 5 times gold reward.

    Does anyone else have any more ideas?

  2. You abuse what ? ^^ i dont get it everyone can make gold if they know how to do it , you can do weekly WG quests , make multiple teams dks would be a good way to go , farm the argent tournament quests with multiple toons , do daily BG win , can farm oculus and skin it , weekly quest as 10/25 man group as solo multiboxer can help alot , icc 10/25 rep farm for boes if u can handle 25 toons , doing alchemy daily.

  3. As a multiboxer you are on a disadvantage compared to single players when it comes to gold farming. You need 5 times more gold in order to gear up 5 chars but you can't make gold 5 times faster than a single player does. So in the end you'll have to spend more time with gold farming than single player do.

    The most efficient way to earn gold is mining and herbalism and multiboxers can't take advantage of these profs.
    A single player who is gathering ores and herbs with a 310% mount earns more gold per hour than a multiboxer who is farming rdf hc for disenchant. Daily quests are also a very poor gold farming method because the rewarded gold doesn't scale with server inflation.

    It's a old myth in our community that multiboxers are super rich and abuse the economy but it has nothing to do with the reality.
    True, but there are many things to be done in this game. Surely there has to be some inovative way that only a Multiboxing player can utilize which normal single character people can't. Those kind if ideas are what Im looking for.

  4. True, but there are many things to be done in this game. Surely there has to be some inovative way that only a Multiboxing player can utilize which normal single character people can't. Those kind if ideas are what Im looking for.
    I suppose it's easier for MB to "solo" older raids/dungeons? Faster and more comfortable compared to those who do it with one character, or possible dual box, or with a friend. With a friend they share the gold 50-50 though.

  5. If you have a team good enough to efficiently play through heroics or normal mode gearing dungeons (ToC, PoS, HoR...) you can offer runs for other players. I think if you offer to grind somebody through ToC nm in order to get their hands on the trinket, you could find some people to pay you good gold. The same is true for some items in other dungeons.
    Since these dungeons can't be soloed, that's something you can only do as multiboxer. I still doubt it's faster money than other methods, especially compared to flipping items on the AH or gathering profs.

  6. Hi, as PVE multiboxer, ill share my personnal experience on that :
    I used to farm Gold in PVE with multiple of 10char team able to run raids weekly on top of the weekly WG quests.
    Naxxramas10 was the raid giving the more gold / boss and abviously the easyest, overall the t7 raid tier is good and not hard to farm. Flat gold, DE and emblems each boss for each char give very good result for an under 1hour run (skip thaddius id you arent confortable with multiboxing raiding). To make it simple numbers : even if you cant kill few boss, naxx10 is 5k gold, 20+ epic DE, 100+ EoT, just from boss (looting trashmobs was too long and boring for me). TOC10 is a 20min run with decent emblems/loot value (if im correct toc give 3 eot/boss, 15for the run/char : 150eot), VoA is also a 15mn run with good value. Ulduar is fourth in rentability, but more enjoyable imo.
    25man raids give more loots but not really more gold per boss, are harder and require more decent char ; but if you can handle it too its also to add on list.
    Once your main team atleast is confortable with ICC and get the t10, you will also make decent gold with the eof farm and saronite.
    The 3 miniboss before Halion are also easy to learn and handle and give free EOF (Halion as 10boxer is another story abviously)
    Also the ICC weekly with luck give sometime 1 or more choker from the bag, wich sell for 15k+, with 10 char doing 10 and some 25, i used to get a lot of good boe from that quest.
    Dont even think doing gold by farming trash before marrowgar.... its a terrrible idea with low profits (those mobs give low gold, and almost all those boe got no value on market).
    That playstyle was giving me a very good gold income without really "farming" but just playing my way, i've been able to gear a lot of teams and trade gold for coins multiple time/week. More and more whit more teams, in the limit of your playtime/week
    PS : Im afk from Icecrown since 1year or 2, maybe some changes happened since that

    Edited: March 10, 2024

  7. May I ask what team/gear did you start with in Naxxramas?

    Right now I only have seven accounts. If you think about it, among them only druids, + paladin main, plus holipala/hunter have good gear in 5.6. 5+1+1, total 7. Is it possible with 7-man teem?

    However, on accounts with druids there are other toons - shamans, hunters, paladins.

    I soloed heroic dungeons with a team of paladins, however, they are still not good enough gear to solo The Forge of Souls.

    What interactions between them did you use? Everything is quite primitive for me, the only difficulty is that the paladins throw flash at the tank, and the druid healer heals him and uses wild growth according to CD.

  8. Quests. Quests give you more gold on 80 lvls, i easy done ~4500 gold only on Crusaders daily quests (and some daily in Icecrown). It can be done in 15 mins, but only 1 times per day.

  9. As a multiboxer you are on a disadvantage compared to single players when it comes to gold farming. You need 5 times more gold in order to gear up 5 chars but you can't make gold 5 times faster than a single player does. So in the end you'll have to spend more time with gold farming than single player do.

    The most efficient way to earn gold is mining and herbalism and multiboxers can't take advantage of these profs.
    A single player who is gathering ores and herbs with a 310% mount earns more gold per hour than a multiboxer who is farming rdf hc for disenchant. Daily quests are also a very poor gold farming method because the rewarded gold doesn't scale with server inflation.

    It's a old myth in our community that multiboxers are super rich and abuse the economy but it has nothing to do with the reality.

  10. Hi, as PVE multiboxer, ill share my personnal experience on that :
    I used to farm Gold in PVE with multiple of 10char team able to run raids weekly on top of the weekly WG quests.
    Naxxramas10 was the raid giving the more gold / boss and abviously the easyest, overall the t7 raid tier is good and not hard to farm. Flat gold, DE and emblems each boss for each char give very good result for an under 1hour run (skip thaddius id you arent confortable with multiboxing raiding). To make it simple numbers : even if you cant kill few boss, naxx10 is 5k gold, 20+ epic DE, 100+ EoT, just from boss (looting trashmobs was too long and boring for me). TOC10 is a 20min run with decent emblems/loot value (if im correct toc give 3 eot/boss, 15for the run/char : 150eot), VoA is also a 15mn run with good value. Ulduar is fourth in rentability, but more enjoyable imo.
    25man raids give more loots but not really more gold per boss, are harder and require more decent char ; but if you can handle it too its also to add on list.
    Once your main team atleast is confortable with ICC and get the t10, you will also make decent gold with the eof farm and saronite.
    The 3 miniboss before Halion are also easy to learn and handle and give free EOF (Halion as 10boxer is another story abviously)
    Also the ICC weekly with luck give sometime 1 or more choker from the bag, wich sell for 15k+, with 10 char doing 10 and some 25, i used to get a lot of good boe from that quest.
    Dont even think doing gold by farming trash before marrowgar.... its a terrrible idea with low profits (those mobs give low gold, and almost all those boe got no value on market).
    That playstyle was giving me a very good gold income without really "farming" but just playing my way, i've been able to gear a lot of teams and trade gold for coins multiple time/week. More and more whit more teams, in the limit of your playtime/week
    PS : Im afk from Icecrown since 1year or 2, maybe some changes happened since that

    Hello. Thanks for the informative reply. I got a few questions.
    I like the idea of Naxx farming. What team combo did you use? And how much gold drops per boss for each char?

    I only have 5 paladins RN and my idea is to do rdf hc with skinning and enchanting.
    I plan to skin every mob, DE all items and spend emblems to buy gems. I think that should yield a lot of gold. By my calculations that is arround 500 gold per boss.

  11. If we talk about RDF (I also farm with a team of 1 prot paladin, 3 retri paladin, 1 restor druid), then not much useful gold is brought in. I think ~250 gold, despite the fact that you will go through the dungeon longer than with people.
    That's why naxxramas interests me as well.

  12. If we talk about RDF (I also farm with a team of 1 prot paladin, 3 retri paladin, 1 restor druid), then not much useful gold is brought in. I think ~250 gold, despite the fact that you will go through the dungeon longer than with people.
    That's why naxxramas interests me as well.
    250 gold? Yea I wouldn't say so. Think about it.

    You got 5 characters in dungeon. Every rdf hc boss drops 1 emblem, that is 5 for you. Gems are 10 emblems and are worth arround 200 gold. From every boss, you get half of a gem worth in emblems so 100 gold. Plus 3 epic items that ussualy drop, if you disenchant those thats 300 more in abyss crystals. Also, you get frozen orb which is an additional 100 ish. So arround 500 gold PER BOSS. Also you get 10 more emblems from RDF at the end as well. Plus all green and blue items for disenchant. Plus all Skining.

  13. 1 Week Ago  
    Quests. Quests give you more gold on 80 lvls, i easy done ~4500 gold only on Crusaders daily quests (and some daily in Icecrown). It can be done in 15 mins, but only 1 times per day.
    Any suggestions on what daily would be best?

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