1. Reset instances with points

    Dear [Game Support Team/Provider's Name],

    I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to inquire about the possibility of using game points to reset raiding instances, specifically Icecrown Citadel (ICC) 10 and 25-man versions.

    As an avid player of [Game Name], I thoroughly enjoy participating in raiding content. However, due to the current limitations of being able to only complete each raid instance once per week, I often find myself wanting to engage in more raiding content to further progress my character and enjoy the challenging encounters.

    I understand that the reset restrictions are in place to maintain game balance and progression integrity. However, I believe that providing an option to use game points for instance resets would offer players like myself the opportunity to engage in additional raiding activities without compromising the intended game mechanics.

    Therefore, I kindly request that you consider implementing a feature where players can use their accumulated game points to reset raiding instances such as ICC 10 and 25. This would not only enhance the gameplay experience for dedicated raiders but also provide an additional incentive for players to participate in various in-game activities to earn points.

    I appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to hearing your thoughts on the possibility of implementing such a feature. Thank you for your continued dedication to improving the gaming experience for all players.

    Best regards,

  2. This has been suggested and denied in the past. The point system wasn't intended to make the game farmable.

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