1. Mount Scaling

    We all know about and love the flying mount speed scaling.
    I suggest the same gets applied to ground mounts. Make 60% mounts go 100% if a 100% mount is owned.
    This greatly increases the variety of mounts used and will also encourage more transmogrification to match the new mounts.

  2. The Sea Turtle is only supposed to go normal run speed, so no.

  3. Agreed, I'd love to ride the Black Stallion but it's a 60% :(

  4. I believe that everything must remain as it has always been. Who wanna mount with a higher flight speed, farm one and enjoy it. Cheers!

  5. We do farm the fast mount, then our slow mounts become fast too so we can use all instead of just a few. It already works this way, and I'm suggesting the same applies to ground mounts. Make all mounts fast once one is owned.

  6. Mount scaling is already not working anymore or is that just me?

  7. Mount scaling is already not working anymore or is that just me?
    Many have been complaining about it, I suppose it will get fixed someday

  8. Not working for me either, swift flight form is still 280% (yes I've done testing with friends who have 310 mounts) yet 310 mount works fine.

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