1. I can't seem to get back any email to get back my old account


    It's been a long time since the last time I played in the server, and I've been trying to get back my account, but apparently when I try to recover my account based on my username, I'm receiving no emails to the ones I'm used to using and that I believe I had used while playing.

    I would love to ask, if it's actually possible, what the email address is for the user and or forum name "AngyKress" even if partially hidden, like "ang******14@g***l.com" to get a guess as to which account I should be checking.

    I've seen one of my other email accounts was apparently used to register in here while no characters were created and no other log information was available when trying to recover my username with all those other addresses so I would love to know as well if it's possible to remove the account for "Lapelope" assigned to a specific email address that I can provide to the admins.

    Thanks for the help and feedback,

  2. Thanks dude!

    Much appreciated! Hope you have a great day!

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