1. Chronoboom was never apart of original vanilla. It is now a QOL feature that could have been implemented on the store for coins if Warmane had the desire to increase revenue.

  2. This is unreal to me. You added DUAL SPEC which was welcomed as one of your best addition, you added RDF which wasn't even in classic. You added QOL features from future expansions. Which I'm not against AT ALL, I personally welcome them as they enhance my experience.
    Chronoboon is just another QOL that you should add to prevent YOUR playerbase raid log. Sure your argument will be "then don't grab them", "find a guild that they don't use them", "form your own guild and push your ways to play the game" and you will be correct, but not to a 100%. People don't like being griefed by sad people that only live to make other's experience worse (which are a minority), people don't like to raid log their beloved toon. Adding a single item would fix this issue. Classic people welcomed such change and even purist accepted it.
    As said, you added a bunch of QOL features that enhance gameplay THAT WERE NOT IN ORIGINAL VANILLA. Why not add another one?
    They did not add anything, you are playing wotlk that has those features to begin with, just with gutted talents and closed doors.

  3. Chronoboom was never apart of original vanilla. It is now a QOL feature that could have been implemented on the store for coins if Warmane had the desire to increase revenue.
    What makes you think that they have the ability to add anything into game at all?

  4. What is it then? Does Vanilla have rdf? Dual talents? Server full of multiboxer wiping whole raid group with 1 arcane explosion and sapper charge? rank 14 in 2 weeks? Please tell us what this server is :)
    This server is Warmanes Onixia realm. They will do as they please, no matter how many confused people start their "but in muh vanilla" or "official had combuboonwhatever qol", "but but but rdf bro", etc. There is no obligation to keep it "Blizzlike" or add things from players whishlists.

  5. This server is Warmanes Onixia realm. They will do as they please, no matter how many confused people start their "but in muh vanilla" or "official had combuboonwhatever qol", "but but but rdf bro", etc. There is no obligation to keep it "Blizzlike" or add things from players whishlists.
    You just contradicted yourself on so many levels I'm not even gonna bother..

  6. You just contradicted yourself on so many levels I'm not even gonna bother..

    They will do as they think is right, regardless of how it was back in the day, how it was on Classic, what you or I think it should be like. That is a fact.
    I have no idea what are you talking about.

    They added RDF, it does not mean that they have obligation to add X.
    They keep certain aspects "bizzlike", does not mean that everything will be blizzlike.
    They did not add combubombu-thing, does not mean they will not implement any ideas from Classic.
    Edited: April 24, 2024

  7. They will do as they think is right, regardless of how it was back in the day, how it was on Classic, what you or I think it should be like. That is a fact.
    I have no idea what are you talking about.

    They added RDF, it does not mean that they have obligation to add X.
    They keep certain aspects "bizzlike", does not mean that everything will be blizzlike.
    They did not add combubombu-thing, does not mean they will not implement any ideas from Classic.
    You forget that this is business and if they don't give people what they want people will find someone who will, so it's in their best interest to give people what they want. Not gonna happen ofc, since they have basically monopolized wotlk private scene.

  8. You forget that this is business and if they don't give people what they want people will find someone who will, so it's in their best interest to give people what they want. Not gonna happen ofc, since they have basically monopolized wotlk private scene.
    Running a business involves giving people what they want, within what the company wants to provide, not to go giving each and every thing people say they want blindly. Giving everything asked means creating a product no one likes.

  9. monopolized wotlk private scene.
    by giving players what they want, not what players think they want

    It's not like they should not listen to players, people just don't understand what "listening to players" means. They will not erase extremely important aspect of gameplay, because few weak willed players complain about things that are within their own control.

  10. Coz they trying to give more original vanilla, go play sod if you wanna pewpew and not gonna die.

  11. To be fair it is vanilla experience server and the boon did not exist then, but at what point does being ganked by multiboxers becomes harassment / distrupting gameplay? My guild is being targetted by the same multiboxer every raid for 3 weeks now (we run 2x raids so that's 4 days in which people waste time & gold to get buffs). Last day he waited in bootybay and after the raid he also came in Moonglade to grief our boss fight for the Scarab Lord q chain. Most people understand that this is the game but it'd be 100% a different thing if it were multiple people instead of just 1 multiboxer.

    Before you say "you're an entire raid, how can you not kill one multiboxer": we do, and then he corpse camps and when people gather for portals he resses and sapper charges + arcane explosion x5, or as it happened last night in Moonglade, kills our tank in the boss fight or our healers.

    As I understand, people got banned for messing with hunters doing their demon quests, this shouldn't be different imo.

    Just my 2 cents, cheers!
    Edited: April 25, 2024

  12. What should be bannable is crying about multiboxing. Why does alliance always cry on forums whenever they lose ingame. Instead of being so weak mentally you should just get better.

  13. What should be bannable is crying about multiboxing. Why does alliance always cry on forums whenever they lose ingame. Instead of being so weak mentally you should just get better.
    Define "get better". Is running full group on your own using 3d party software part of that "get better"?

  14. Running a business involves giving people what they want, within what the company wants to provide, not to go giving each and every thing people say they want blindly. Giving everything asked means creating a product no one likes.
    Yass slay! I totally love raid logging with my beloved toon and playing an alt (though I play way more with my alt than my main, because as you might guess, it's raid logging right now). I surely love that priest sitting in stormwind dispelling world buffs to brag on discord how free he can grief!

  15. Define "get better". Is running full group on your own using 3d party software part of that "get better"?
    Why don't you try and find out instead of crying on the forums.

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