1. Enforcing BG Mercenary on all realms? Nah, only Blackrock, cause reasons.....

    So let me get this straight. They are enforcing BG Mercenary on Blackrock players with the argument that "this significantly lowers BG queues across all realms".


    Why not enforcing this (mercenary) on all realms? Because the way it currently stands, it shows that Blackrock was only created to "feed" the cross-realm BGs regardless of faction.

    And here comes another question: if someone wants to play alliance, but doesnt want to be forced into merc'ing, is the only option to roll Icecrown/Lordearon?

    1. Play on Icecrown and endlessly grind to get pvp gear while not being merc-forced.
    2. Play on Blackrock and immediately get full relentless gear BUT get mercenary enforced on you, meaning that alliance doesnt always get to play "duh" as alliance! Crazy.

    Just force merc on all realms and be done with it, or disable it altogether.

  2. And on a really quick note: why on earth can't we buy furious /relentless weapons INGAME with INGAME currency? Why do you have to wait weeks until you have enough points to get the above gear through the webpage?

    Insane design decisions, since the "blizz-like argument" goes out the window with the x7 xp rates.

  3. Nah, better not to force merc mode, I don't like to play as horde in battlegrounds, if I want to play alliance then I should stay on alliance side, forcing players is not good, we play what we love...

  4. The reason being that like 95% of players on Blackrock are alliance because of racials.

  5. Mercenary mode is so bad i seen win trade after win trade where you see same players for their faction do objectives and put hard work but when they play other faction they do 0 objectives and so many good players dont play anymore cuz of Mercenary mode make all servers one if is population issue if is not make every server like before play faction vs faction isn`t that the point if i love one faction why force me to play other that i dont like MAKE WARMANE GRAT AGAIN

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