1. Any 3.3.5 addons that allow you to track multiple resources (similar to Cata)?

    It was probably considered cheating in retail, but anything working for Warmane?

  2. Not that I am aware of, but you can use a macro script to toggle between trackers. The following macro toggles between tracking herbs and minerals every 2 seconds.

    /run if not THO then local f,t,c=CreateFrame("Frame","THO"),1,0 f:SetScript("OnUpdate", function(_, e) c=c+e if c>3 then c=0 SetTracking(t) if t==1 then t=2 else t=1 end end end) THO:Hide() end
    /run if THO:IsVisible() then THO:Hide() else THO:Show() end

  3. This works perfectly... except I have the ability "find fish" so now it toggles between that and "find herbs" which are the 2 top ones... any way to choose not the top 2 but 2nd and 3rd from the list (find herbs being second and find minerals third) =)?

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Do you mean one similar to Carbonite? Its map imports and shows mine and herbs nodes so you know where to go all the time.

  5. 2 Weeks Ago  
    This isn't quite what you're looking for but Tracking Plus automatically switches your tracking on an interval. This version works for me:

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