1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    New to Icecrown

    Hey guys, i’m new to these servers and i have 2 questions that are on my mind.

    I see loads of raids for ICC and such with requirements of 6k+
    Will i have trouble gearing/finding raid groups? The GS requirements seem quite excessive.

    Seeing the ladders are mostly dominated by Blackrock players, for good reason, will i have trouble finding arena partners in this server?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    5.2K to 6K is long run, but there are several lower requirement raids. The usual recommendation is to find guild.

    Icecrown has plenty of PvP junkies.

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Pugging is cancer, pool of players is huge, so there is little reason to take lower gear players. Solution is to find a guild with the same interests and raid time, their objective is to find players who want to be there and gear will come passively.

    Since there are a lot of players, finding arena partner is easier than anywhere else.

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Hey guys, i’m new to these servers and i have 2 questions that are on my mind.

    I see loads of raids for ICC and such with requirements of 6k+
    Will i have trouble gearing/finding raid groups? The GS requirements seem quite excessive.

    Seeing the ladders are mostly dominated by Blackrock players, for good reason, will i have trouble finding arena partners in this server?

    Thanks in advance!
    Nah, gearing is actually easy, buy some stuff from auction house to make your gear score high enough to join RDF HC and farm emblems for better gear.

    If you have full relentless or full wrathful gear then join arenas, or you will be shut down even on zero rating from full wrathful geared people.

    For battlegrounds always have activated mercenary mode, because alliance most of the times doing premades and having multiboxers.

  5. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Gearing kinda depends on what class/spec you play.
    For example, it took me roughly 2 months to get my holy priest from character creation to 6k gs.
    Tanks, healers & range dps the are easiest to gear or get in raids.

    The gear requirements are mostly because pugs in general suck on this server. (Low dps, bad raid knowledge, etc.)

    For arena, depending on your class and role it isn't hard to find a arena partner.
    I've seen lots of low geared and non meta classes at 1400+.
    Just be ready to face them scripters and shadowmourns tho.

    Best is to join a guild for raiding, even if they suck it will still be better than pugs.
    And maybe via the guild you can find a arena partner

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