1. 3 Weeks Ago  

    Auto Disconnect Everyday


    I'm asking for your help because I'm starting to get tired of being disconnected every 24 hours or so. It's awesome ! We get disconnected randomly (in BG, in dungeon, in RAID), forced to wait for the authentication code email and FINALLY I can reconnect.
    But today was one time too many.

    I was in a raid, boss fight and disconnected in the middle of the fight, I reconnected but to do this I had to re-validate the second authentication. So you have to wait for the email for the security code etc...
    Once back, the fight was over but I was outside the raid when the boss died. Result: impossible to /rand (the items cannot be given) and 0 emblems... And as luck would have it, Hunt ITEM :(

    Do you have a solution to this problem? Am I the only one in this situation?

    Thank you all

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    If you are getting asked for auth code, that's a problem with your internet connection.

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    I am also having this problem. Although, it's happening only when I try to log in for the first time every day. I try to log in, and it immediately disconnects me. Then I need to try again and I get a pop up asking for auth code which I receive on my email. Same thing every day.

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    This is exactly my case. Every day I have to double authenticate.
    If I log in one day at 3:00 PM then the next day it will be approximately the same time. On the other hand, if I don't connect for more than 2 days then I will have the verification code directly.

  5. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Best thing you can do for yourself is move away from the unreliable and slow method of email authentication and use normal 2FA authentication via an app or program.

    It is already fast to authenticate with a mobile app because most good ones show the code instantly when single clicking the app button. Here is a thread with examples of easily setting up such an app, including non-Google options: https://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=460492

    Even more powerful and faster alternatives are to use a password manager program on the same PC you are playing WoW. Then you can just copy-paste directly or some password managers can input codes directly into other programs, including games (feature commonly called AutoType). Good examples are KeepassXC, Keepass2 and BitWarden.

    Note, as Shred says, the only reason you'd disconnect at all is because of some networking issue. This has nothing to do with how you authenticate to a server. So, the best you can do - other than resolve some networking issue - is to quickly get back into the game. Nothing is faster than using 2FA with a program or app.

    As for the second issue, which is the double authenticate, that could be something Warmane devs could check and possibly fix.

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