1. 3 Weeks Ago  


    i just wanna know whats the story behind allowing multiboxers play in Battlegrounds? it really makes a fair game so unfair for ordinary players
    why ur not banning or preventing em from join normal bgs?

  2. 3 Weeks Ago  
    They are also human beings and have equal rights to play the game.

  3. 3 Weeks Ago  
    If it was a matter of "equal rights to play" they would get to control one account at a time, without the use of any external software, like is the norm for the game. "Anyone has the same right to multibox" is a fallacy, because multiboxing isn't the norm.

    No, the reason is simply that it was allowed in retail. Some who like to complain might say it's because of donations, but when players can sell gold in exchange for Coins that isn't the case anymore.

  4. 3 Weeks Ago  
    Had to leave a battleground just now because we were facing off against Kenzz's premade and a balance druid multiboxer. A bunch of us had to leave, myself included, because it just wasn't fun.

    Kenzz without his pocket healers and his buddies is about as useful as traffic lights in GTA San Andreas.

    But hey, not much you can do about it, right? You always have the option to leave... I personally prefer PvE and world PvP. In world PvP, when it's one-on-one, there's nothing they can do about it. I tear them apart. In battlegrounds, they always have to bring their buddies to cover their backs.

    One thing to add, you can enable mercenary mode, so if you're lucky then you will play with premade team and win, that's a good thing about having a mercenary mode enabled.

  5. 3 Weeks Ago  
    "it's not within communities best interest to not allow it"

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