1. Battlegrounds and GS ?

    May somebody tell me how work joining to BG based on GS ? (or its average item level ?)
    Is it count gear score what player have on self in time of join BG queue ?
    Or it count also gear in bags / bank ? Or it count gear what have player in time bg pop-up proc ?
    What i s the limits to put players together ?
    Example 2000-5000, all above 5000 ? Some like this, or here are no hard limit numbers ?

    I am quite enjoing BG as have it now, I got 4000GS mostly pvp gear , I think I did not seen anybody with me in BG with over 5k.

    Is here some value what is good to not go over, to not meet players with 6500+ , with bis gear and legend weapons ?

    Thank you for answeres.

  2. It counts all your gear including what's in your bank.

    It depends on the maximum ilevel of your gear. As soon as you get one wrathful piece you will be put with the high gs people.

  3. OK, so my plan is get highes possible , but with no rating, as I am horrible in arenas and hate it.
    It means 3 piece of wrathful (neck,back,wrist), all rest reletness , weap furi for 17 points, one ring ICC rep, trinkets not know yet.
    Where it will put me, I hope not to high bis players ?
    May you tell me or estimate it to me ? ) thank you

  4. If you buy a single piece of wrathful gear or the ICC ring you will play with bis players.

    I am not sure what's the max ilevel of gear to avoid that. Maybe 232?

  5. No, it have to be based on a average. Because i have on me 3 piece of wrathful (neck,back,wrist) , about 3 rele, almost top ring from icc rep. But also some blue and one green. Total 4078 GS.
    And I never meet in me team in BG higher GS then about 4800.
    So, I am wonder what can be the value, where it BANG.... go with/agains full BIS 6500, or if it going smoth...

  6. No, it have to be based on a average. Because i have on me 3 piece of wrathful (neck,back,wrist) , about 3 rele, almost top ring from icc rep. But also some blue and one green. Total 4078 GS.
    And I never meet in me team in BG higher GS then about 4800.
    So, I am wonder what can be the value, where it BANG.... go with/agains full BIS 6500, or if it going smoth...
    There are three brackets in total and Warmane will never tell you the exact averages because they don't want you to twink it. Staff on the forums have even said that they have manually moved players who they suspect of twinking.

    The bracket system is a mix between item level and certain items. If you own a certain item but have very low item level gear apart from that one item, you will still end up in the high end bracket. The brackets are also not definitive, if you have very low gear you will mostly end up in the low geared bracket, but as you get higher itemlevel you will find yourself more frequently ending up in the Blackrock bracket while still sometimes ending up in the low gear bracket.

    Average itemlevel will not work to twink the bracket, neither will finding out the specific items.

    Edit: I should also add that I really dislike this system, not because of the brackets but because there is no transparency. Instead of gatekeeping people out of the low bracket you should incentivise people to want to be in the higher brackets. The reason people currently want to twink the lower brackets is because the higher ones just aren't that fun, especially if you are gearing on Icecrown. Just my two cents.

  7. 4 Weeks Ago  
    There are three brackets in total and Warmane will never tell you the exact averages because they don't want you to twink it. Staff on the forums have even said that they have manually moved players who they suspect of twinking.

    The bracket system is a mix between item level and certain items. If you own a certain item but have very low item level gear apart from that one item, you will still end up in the high end bracket. The brackets are also not definitive, if you have very low gear you will mostly end up in the low geared bracket, but as you get higher itemlevel you will find yourself more frequently ending up in the Blackrock bracket while still sometimes ending up in the low gear bracket.

    Average itemlevel will not work to twink the bracket, neither will finding out the specific items.

    Edit: I should also add that I really dislike this system, not because of the brackets but because there is no transparency. Instead of gatekeeping people out of the low bracket you should incentivise people to want to be in the higher brackets. The reason people currently want to twink the lower brackets is because the higher ones just aren't that fun, especially if you are gearing on Icecrown. Just my two cents.
    We felt the same with my mates and we totally stopped playing on Warmane. (Even if we have BIS toons)

    High bracket aint fun, 2s is all about S or S+ tier comps and always the same teams coming in a row against you.

    Depressing, pain and agony :D.

  8. 4 Weeks Ago  
    We felt the same with my mates and we totally stopped playing on Warmane. (Even if we have BIS toons)

    High bracket aint fun, 2s is all about S or S+ tier comps and always the same teams coming in a row against you.

    Depressing, pain and agony :D.
    You are not alone my friend. There used to be a seasonal realm called Frostmourne and you could opt in to play on that bracket on Blackrock, this meant that almost nobody was bis and you couldn't get bis gear on Blackrock. The realm had its entirely own BG and Arena bracket and it was probably the most fun PVP that i've had in my 10 years on Warmane.

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