1. Biggest secret when this happened on lordaeon...

  2. HyphyFoo's Avatar
    Biggest secret when this happened on lordaeon...
    lol. epic pic is epic.


  3. I initially though I just needed a shield to tank ..... I learned better in a RDF.

  4. numbah4's Avatar
    when i started to play i didn't know that the talents existed :|
    I leveled to 60 then i realised that talents exist

  5. Another thing; Everytime a horde kills me when I am leveling, I log in with a 85 to take revenge. Even if the horde is three levels beyond me (I told you I suck). That's my way of even the duel out. One time i corpse-camped a lvl30 with my 85 for 20 minutes just because he killed my toon. After I have done this, I think to my self that I thaught them a real lesson. Pathetic, indeed.
    I do the same with my rogue.When some gay horde with his lvl 80 boosting gay friend kills my leveling alt i log on rogue(i keep him in same zone where my alt levels) ride to them,obliterate them,and camp them.It is not pathetic,it is justice,and justice gets served.

  6. I Have a paladin full PvE and I don't got the ress.. haha

  7. maxyoyo's Avatar
    When I started WoW(TBC) I was a Belf priest here are few things that I tried doing on my first Month of being a noob

    -Killed random mobs and tried to equip random items(like food or drink as a shoulder piece)
    -Tried to loot a mob my left click(it was right click)
    -Didn't know that you learn abilities from trainers (until lvl 23).I still remember that moment -.-
    -Put talent points in different talents trees
    -Tried to drag my talents from my talent trees as my active abilities(until i gave up)
    -Asked dump questions to anyone I see
    -looted my guild's items to sell and get gold(Didn't know about professions and AHs)

    And much more but these are basically how I learned Wow.Come on now we all learn that way. XD
    What do you expect from a 10 year old kid :P

  8. suicider's Avatar
    Sometimes I emote to NPCs when there isn't any other player around...

  9. On some priv server (x3 i believe) back in Vanilla I grinded up to 60lvl, never used mount and didn't even leave North of Eastern Kingdoms as a undead.

  10. First time I created a character, I didn't know I had talents until i was lvl 45, then a friend pointed it out to me, otherwise I wouldn't have known it till I was lvl 80

  11. On my first character in wotlk, who was a rogue, i used daggers for combat and i didn't apply poisons on my weapons untill icc raiding started

  12. I remember a long long long long time ago

    i was this hunter, and i saw new gear, wondering, and it had statussess on it,
    so i had Legs with +2 agi
    and i would find Legs with 20 Armor( More) and +20 expertise Humm Green is better looking for the higest number

    i was the ugliest dumbfuk hunter on retail

  13. There was once a Orc warrior who wore a non-set gears that made him look like a paladin. I reported this to GM and got this reply: "noob"

    Proterean 2meen :'|

  14. When i was playing a warlock 5 or 6 years ago i remember, i was so happy i leveled it. I didn't know the difference beetween PvE and PvP gear. I remember when i was dueling people, i was opening Character Menu to click the trinket to remove CC, i didn't know i can put it on bars :-)

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