1. It's even more fun when you think that way.
    If you say so, facts are still facts, even if denied.

    Tell me more how a junkie tells himself he can quit whenever he wants doesn't make him a junkie.

    As I said, deal with it, true, but that doesn't magically make you "not a dick".

  2. I usually kill low levels when they obviously have no common sense. It's not wort to chase or put any more effort to it, but, I mean if a guy has no brain to get the out of my sight...
    But people why camp low levels.. yeah... but its not THAT hard to outsmart such specimens even with 60% mount speed.

  3. For me, it's more of a payback type thing. As you level people will do it to you and in return you do it to others the higher you get. That being said, I never 'camp' lowbies. If I do kill one it's in passing and it's over. However some people feel the need to ruin people's day. Like the shaman on Lordaeron last night who decided to camp every alli lowbie in Ratchet for 45 mins one shotting them with frost shock. That kind of stuff is uncalled for. Getting killed once by some high lvl, fine. Camped when you don't have a chance is not.

    Same goes for people who have 80s, if you are playing your alt and die then no reason to bring your 80 cuz you cant win on your main in an even fight.

  4. "I had $20 stolen from me once, Now I steal money from Homeless people....."

  5. What if the low lvl guy attacks your high lvl toon? I ran away once cause I felt bad for how stupid he was, aint that a sight.
    Or on lordaeron once my lvl 50 shaman got attacked by 2 lvl 20 people, I popped lighting sheild just to watch them die slowly as they try to kill me, I had a good laugh when they infact didnt stop but actually went on until they died, BOTH OF EM.
    Its no fun killing them, stunning them and sapping them as they try to run away though just to cause paranoia is funny as hell though.
    Edited: January 28, 2016

  6. Answer: Because you rage.

    I usually kill everybody I see if I have the time, no matter what level difference. And I also enjoy it, especially if the other guy logs on his other faction char just to 'flame' me. Then I know I have to continue. No matter what random excuse all the butthurt morons may have, like 'Oh, he MUST be some ***/*****/*******/smalldickguy/have egoproblems, blablabla', not realizing its all about themselves. Nobody really cares because it does not matter and I am still happy.

    If the other player owns me, I run or die. Life on Lordaeron is harsh. I get over it. If you can't deal with it full PvP it's the wrong server for you.

    Conclusion: Get over it.
    I really enjoy people like yourself. Back when I was still playing Alliance on Ragnaros, I came to the assistance of a friend who was being ganked in Valiance Keep. Rather, corpse camped, by 4 max-level Horde. A Shadow Priest, Frost Death Knight, Ret Paladin and a Hunter. I, myself, play a Ret Paladin. They had decent gear, probably not the best, but I'd wager that each of them were atleast 5.5k gs approx.

    I killed them all. 4 on 1. Because, apparently, they were so bad that they didn't realize that stacking up close for me meant my Divine Storm healed for more.

    I proceeded to corpse camp them until they logged out or website unstuck. Those that website unstuck logged Alliance characters to talk **** about how broken my spec is, how I had to have been hacking, etc. Sorry, but it's not my fault that you people are so terrible at this game that in order to beat anyone in pvp, they have to be multiple levels under you.

    Angry that I whipped you like a red-headed step child? Well, to that, I told them: Get over it. Free honor for me. Go L2P.

  7. I really enjoy people like yourself. Back when I was still playing Alliance on Ragnaros, I came to the assistance of a friend who was being ganked in Valiance Keep. Rather, corpse camped, by 4 max-level Horde. A Shadow Priest, Frost Death Knight, Ret Paladin and a Hunter. I, myself, play a Ret Paladin. They had decent gear, probably not the best, but I'd wager that each of them were atleast 5.5k gs approx.

    I killed them all. 4 on 1. Because, apparently, they were so bad that they didn't realize that stacking up close for me meant my Divine Storm healed for more.

    I proceeded to corpse camp them until they logged out or website unstuck. Those that website unstuck logged Alliance characters to talk **** about how broken my spec is, how I had to have been hacking, etc. Sorry, but it's not my fault that you people are so terrible at this game that in order to beat anyone in pvp, they have to be multiple levels under you.

    Angry that I whipped you like a red-headed step child? Well, to that, I told them: Get over it. Free honor for me. Go L2P.
    Pretty much the same i do,and hell i enjoy it,+ as an Alliance patriot(ye,i dislike horde)from 9/10 players i meet will die i will hunt them till they alt+ f4 or something,the most fun thing is when i meet levelers i kill them few times if i meet them on the road,after they log on mains their 80s and let the show begin ^^
    I mean camooon you're my enemy + youre horde,why should i let you alive,most players do the same but they get pissed when someone ganks them instead,they will come here to complain about "world pvp shouldnt exist bla bla" anyway people will be ganked and will gank,when they lvl.

  8. Pretty much the same i do,and hell i enjoy it,+ as an Alliance patriot(ye,i dislike horde)from 9/10 players i meet will die i will hunt them till they alt+ f4 or something,the most fun thing is when i meet levelers i kill them few times if i meet them on the road,after they log on mains their 80s and let the show begin ^^
    I mean camooon you're my enemy + youre horde,why should i let you alive,most players do the same but they get pissed when someone ganks them instead,they will come here to complain about "world pvp shouldnt exist bla bla" anyway people will be ganked and will gank,when they lvl.
    "Pretty much same I do">proceed to talk how you kill low lvls so they bring their mains (most don't even have a main, they are people just trying to level) and also proceed to talk "horde vs alliance" bullcrap when you're killing low lvls to begin with.

    There are plenty of *******s on both factions, hunt those guys down, honor+ you get a match of your level, I assure you there is no need to kill low lvls so "they bring their means", there are plenty of "you" around to play with if you so much enjoy horde vs alliance theme.

    Such a hypocrite srsly... read what you said, it has nothing to do with what Lynea did.

  9. "Pretty much same I do">proceed to talk how you kill low lvls so they bring their mains (most don't even have a main, they are people just trying to level) and also proceed to talk "horde vs alliance" bullcrap when you're killing low lvls to begin with.

    There are plenty of *******s on both factions, hunt those guys down, honor+ you get a match of your level, I assure you there is no need to kill low lvls so "they bring their means", there are plenty of "you" around to play with if you so much enjoy horde vs alliance theme.

    Such a hypocrite srsly... read what you said, it has nothing to do with what Lynea did.
    Yea is not so similar ok but,i just mentioned that i do it when i am extremly bored and not alone,with some good friends i remember few months ago going x6 twinks(all 79s) we started to kill guards opposite faction ppl, pretty much everything was hostile/enemy!
    Well,its something known and common every bracket on twinks dies at some point unfortunately :/
    This just an example about what you people call hypocrites ganking ***** and stuffs,on this server pvp is promoted,endorsed and ofc loved,atleast for me i never complain about ganking,i barely get ganked coz i swap leveling areas quickly,and have always opened my sec acc with my feral,so if he manage to kill me i just press for the druid and i simply annihilate him.
    Both my posts can be hypocrite in someways,i dont wanna write a wall of text about why i do it sometimes or not.

    Someone should open a thread about world pvp and ganking or how you call it,to explain if they associate or oth are "similars" in very detailed things

  10. I dont complain about being ganked, even when camped by 2 lvl 80's mage and rogue, yes camped. I FULLY understand world pvp and i completely disagree that killing low lvl's is "world pvp", has nothing to do with it, when its same level, its damn fun I assure you, and I enjoy it a lot, but when u get 1 shotted by a camping 80 I don't see a fun for any one involved.

    ANYWAY, I DON'T MIND IT, at all. BUT WHAT I DO HATE is people camping/killing low lvls who somehow want to justify it with the "alliance vs horde" crap, just fking admit you're a damn dick and nothing else, and keep doing it, but stop defending the idea, it's a stupid thing to claim when your opponent can do nothing, not even hearthstone out of the zone.

  11. I'm sorry, but this sounds like a rant by children who can't handle the possibilities of "life". Someone will always come around, ALWAYS, to ruin your day. This may be a game, but personalities span from all places of the world, and some of those personalities are "evil", which is fine, because that's what makes the world such an interesting place. You meet the evil, and you learn to appreciate the good, which in kind, teaches you good life lessons and perhaps tells you to be the opposite, to push against that evil, which creates conflict and friction among the population. Why is this a good thing? because you're not alone in this fight, and you might meet your best friend on the field of this battle without even realizing it. Since I began, there's been people PATROLLING areas and I've been wondering why someone would do that, but then I realized I'd be doing the same thing, just so that people can level in peace.

    Now, you have all that information, and look at these complaints. You're not looking at the bigger picture, you're crying like a child cause "waaahh, can't level NOW!!!" instead of waiting for that hero to come around and wipe the floor with the opposite faction. It happens, and is it ever sweet. Stop being so close-minded and live what this game offers with it's rich population.

  12. I hate corpse camping as well, that one time in STV is almost unforgettable when a Hunter camped the Rebel Camp. I decided to go have dinner while waiting for the 80 to leave. Guess what, he hasn't left yet when I come back. Thankfully I managed to grab the flight before he comes back

    Another thing I hate is... since I'm an 80 now.. is when I wanted to help lowbie with a ganker but ended up dying instead because I'm not a dedicated PvP player. It's not the defeat that's the problem, but rather the lowbie's reaction who quickly dissed me because I got defeated so easily. Like that one time when a rogue camped Honor Hold inn, and I can't pop my anti-stun ability (Icebound Fortitude, I'm a DK) because I can't do any spells while being stunned 99% of the time. The lowbie got mad at me because I can't do anything. Get over it man, this world is not revolving around PvP. You can't expect every single 80 to solve your problem, and also when GS exists and everything too

  13. first.. @lynea. what did a red headed step child ever do to you?

    ok back to the topic. i personally can't kill lowbies [sure, i probably have]. i feel bad lol. if they attack me, i think it's funny. i'll /cower /beg etc. i do taunt low level characters sometimes if i see them randomly. not with emotes, but cc like sheep, mc, fear, etc. then i usually /sorry and help them kill a few mobs before leaving :P i have killed lowbies in retaliation of them n other lowbies ganging up on mine, or in defense of a guild member, etc. but not for fun, and often times i'll log the opposing faction n tell them just not to kill that specific person n i'll leave them alone. usually they listen.

    as for why ppl do it. for same reason ppl do premades. for the same reason everyone plays gta with cheat codes [does gta still have cheat codes in new ones? i don't console anymore], etc. they want things to be easy. a skilled player, finds the game easy. a bad player, needs to either work hard, or do things to make the game easier. there's many other possible reasons. usually cuz they're just naturally aholes though

  14. Personally i dont camp lowbies but i will kill them in passing, i play by the mentality red = dead :P, think its an offshoot from my ultima online days *reminisces*

  15. Thank You! Handepsilon :D Just the fact that you were willing to help the lower levels, even if you are not a dedicated PvP player is commendable. Allot of players should show more gratitude for you trying to help them, but unfortunately they do not.

    I always remember players that have helped me out without me having to ask for it, and I am very greatful towards them and let them know. I always pay it forward when ever I can. I mainly play Alliance, but I have helped a few horde or two :D Keep up the great positive attitude and be the reason someone smiles today. :D


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