View Poll Results: Should Lordaeron have RDF available?

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  • Yes

    124 64.25%
  • No

    49 25.39%
  • When ICC is released

    20 10.36%
  1. Good business = good money = everyone's dream, amirite? :D
    Nah, eventually I think this project may be different from the rest. I am pretty sure the masses of Shadowmournes on the other 2 realms brought tons more money to them than Lordaeron will.
    well i dont know how much he earns from it but im not sure it is "good money". still... it must be nice to be passionate about something... especially if u get money from it.

  2. Just leave it as it is now. Release it with ICC and it will be fine.

  3. These so called " hardcore " hipsters put a lot of pressure on the staff,asking for extreme measures and they will play only a few weeks until they get bored and leave. Guess what,who will remain on the realm? Well,those casual "noobs" that spent 4 years on Lordaeron,since its launch,who have been through different stages of this realm and cleared every achievement,including the 25 hc . These lousy hipsters are active only on forum,insulting everyone,but when the realm will launch they will barely play.
    You cannot remove RDF for good just because someone hates it,maybe someone hates paladin's bubble or a race,will we disable that too? Do you realize that those who vote NO simply hate the RDF and it has nothing to do with the "progression " ? The staff proposed to turn it off until ICC will be launched, but the hardcore hipster haters got the opportunity to express their anger,hate and try to remove RDF permanently,they don't care about progression, they just want a simple thing, RDF to disappear.
    I'll point out this is utterly incorrect. No "hipster" put any pressure on us, no one talked us into "extreme measures." All of these features were decided by Kaer and discussed with the Staff. There's a reason I keep having to repeat "this server might not be for everyone" - we know there are people who won't want to play in it with some of the features/limitations we are imposing, and we are fine with that. If anything, the "hipsters" trying to pressure us are the people predicting the doom of Lordaeron if there's no RDF for them and the like.

  4. I am currently on another private server 1x as well, limited to lvl 60, but it has rdf.

    The good: amazing to lvl and indeed meet people, fast leveling

    The bad: in wow there are "routes" for everything and rdf is no exception ppl will want max exp and the lvling experience will consist of spamming the same dungeons till lvl up and to get the exp reward. this is what i am experiencing right now while on that other server, questing is done mostly by those who can't tank/heal since its a low pop server, otherwise they form farming groups to lvl the fk out.

    The very good: time, this is an extremely valuable thing nowadays, and i think it trumps the bad by a lot, ur not guaranteed loot on dungeon X and you can't do anything else BUT that single dungeon since you walk to it, with rdf you queue up, while doing other things and then get a random dungeon to spice things up.

    I get the feeling of getting a group and walk on that dungeon, but i think the time saving is tremendous.

    Wanna know what would happen if u dont have rdf? People completely ignore the lower level dungeons unless its right in their faces and they can be fun to do, tedious if u continually spam them, but that is a CHOICE not something forced on you like "no rdf".

    Dont feel like doing? Great, go back to questing/farming, and queue later on, the population on this one will make sure you always have some one to queue up with.

    I understand why people dont want it, but its a good tool overall, in days where time gets shorter and shorter, not like raid finder which is a joke considering that raids are the ultimate pve encounter in wow.... but thats another story.

    I vote yes, I would like to experience leveling in dungeons while questing with other players rather than praying that x mob respawns since everyone is killing them.

  5. Thinking rationally, why would you play on a server that right from the start was explicitly declared as "not for everyone" if it won't have features that are a deal breaker for you? Just come back later when that feature is active, assuming the original idea of not having RDF at all isn't revisited.
    Since there's are a lot of people for and against its usage, having RDF enabled from the start wouldn't take away from the "not for everyone" aspect.

    RDF killed world pvp. people are just lazy and want free rewards for doing easy dungeons.
    Not everyone likes the idea of world pvp, there's a reason why PVE is labeled "normal server" on retail. Those dungeons are only easy here because people could vote for gear and heirlooms, which wont be the case on this server.

    no one ever traveled to the dungeons after it was released, they just sat in Dalaran afking
    Dalaran wont even exist for the next several months after the server goes live, and i promise you people will still be afking in SW and Org whether RDF is active or not.

    Dungeon finder was one of the worst things that happened to WoW so let's embrace these few months without it.
    Some ******* with youtube videos doesn't necessarily reflect how I enjoy playing WoW, or any other game for that matter, enjoyment is subjective which is why we have pros and cons for specific features.

    Aside that i dont truly care if they choose to enable or disable it, honestly all I see among people who voted "yes" are spoiled little brats crying that warmane plans to take away their favorite toy.
    By that logic, the que system to find a groups for rbgs should also be disabled.

    wait for a queue to pop, do it then go back to afk.
    Because people don't do that for RBGs and arenas....

    Before RDF, people were more friendly, because it was harder to find a group. People were aware that if they're insulting, AFKing, ragequiting, they will have to find another group.
    Finding random people in chat versus finding people in a que system is essentially the same thing, whether or not RDF is enabled won't mitigate the possibility of teaming up with *******s, its a fact of life.

    RDF is just a tool that increased lvling
    It removed the mundane and boring aspect of doing constant quest...over and over and over and over of endless quest. Take your favorite movie and watch it 100 times in succession, at some point you'll be bored and counting the minutes for it to end.

    If you want everything dumbed down and streamlined why not play mop or wod servers?
    Not wanting to waste time traveling to some summoning stone (that will be getting camped by the opposing faction) isn't "dumbed down", RDF is a tool, if you want to use it then do so, if you'd rather travel through the mind-numbingly old landscape that has been around for 15 years for 20 minutes by ones stopping you.

    Let people play the game the way they want.

    Don't expect any logical points from RDF defenders.
    Read above.

    This isn't fresh new content, we've seen it, we've experienced it, we've done it, leveling will be just as boring here as it is on cata and mop because its the EXACT same thing, having RDF is a break from that process.

    If you're going to throw around catch phrases like "hardcore" and "just not going to be for everyone" at least be honest: if you're more focused on pvp, this realm is perfect for you, if you're more focused on pve...tough ****.
    Edited: August 23, 2015

  6. RDF is what completely ruined the essence of WoW. It used to be a game that could give you a sense of being an adventurer, actually going places.
    Having random events happen to you as you travel to dungeons was a huge part. A simple thing such as a bit of world PvP could make the experience feel so much more alive.
    Having RDF pretty much just removes the MMO aspect right as you reach level cap. You will be standing around in a lobby that is the fine city of Dalaran. Sure, it will kind of seem like an MMO since you can witness other players going around, doing the mundane city stuff, but really that adds the same value as going into Second Life.
    Another point that I believe to be valid is the fact that you need to interact with people, in some - very slight way, coordinate with other players in order to get a group going, which promotes socializing. Having to do such a tiny thing can possibly lead to finding in-game friends that will enhance the whole game experience, possibly extending the period of time that you will enjoy playing.
    Besides - there are meeting stones. If you happen to be so much against moving your character to a dungeon.

  7. Not wanting to waste time traveling to some summoning stone (that will be getting camped by the opposing faction)
    In the parenthesis is the whole point. To create pvp just how WoW originally did when they concieved it. It was no mistake or mere coincidence,
    that the summoning stone served as 'crossroad' of sorts for 'likely' pvp. The summon stone SHOULD be a danger point, and it isnt anymore. Its not far fetched a good many players have never even USED a summoning stone... Blizzard knew what they were doing when they created summoning stones.

    if you'd rather travel through the mind-numbingly old landscape that has been around for 15 years
    The people that have no real Want to travel throughout azeroth, are the people that hopefully Lordaeron doesnt attract.
    how about they just make Lord a window with a lively fresh new background, with a few checkboxes for people to select what they wanna do. Raid? click dungeon? click..... then we wouldnt even need mounts[/QUOTE]

    Let people play the game the way they want.
    And this is the biggest point on this whole topic. This is not the "peoples" game.
    This is a realm being made as Kaer and his crew have envisioned it. A realm where they would like to play.
    They are just being nice enough to let us play on it.
    Edited: August 23, 2015

  8. Sit and que for pvp no one says anything, que for pve OMG YOU KILLED WOW SHAME SHAME SHAME, seriously get over it already.

  9. They are just being nice enough to let us play on it.
    They depend on a growing population for its entire existence, each realm being self sufficient, being nice has nothing to do with it.

  10. I am laughing when someone says that no RDF gives more social communication.
    Here is example how it will be in real situation.
    Global chat/looking for group chat/say in open world > Me: LF Tank, wana join group for dungeon?
    Whisper from random player: yes, invite

    ...thats it. Here you go, you got that epic social communication of simple answers. Right now on both WOTLK realms you can see that in global chat when someone is organizing group for RHC or raids.
    You want to talk to people about other things, want to make friends? You can do it by just talking to anyone you see, it doesnt have to be RDF group.
    If you really think the social aspect is those short answers like - invite tank, healer etc. then do yourself a favor, go outside of your apartment more frequently.

    If RDF is available you still can ask in the world - do you want to join some dungeon runs with me? Invite > queue duo or more = profit.
    No RDF sucks, especially for casuals, they dont want to spend 15 mins to travel to dungeon, another 15 mins to other dungeon, when you have less than few hours to play daily.
    If you decide to disable it anyways, then make mounts at level 40/60, none will have money to buy mounts anyways without grinding days for gold. Good luck going on foot to dungeons, especially those on other continent. Game will be sooooo slow, majority will give up after few weeks.

    How I feel about Vanilla to Wotlk expansions leveling experience - It was very fun, but when I did it first time, when I just installed wow with 1.6 patch, I was young and it was my first mmo. After playing expansions like wotlk 3.3.5, cataclysm, MoP you will feel the real pain of leveling and it will not be enjoyable as it was before when you just started to play wow.

  11. And this is the biggest point on this whole topic. This is not the "peoples" game.
    This is a realm being made as Kaer and his crew have envisioned it. A realm where they would like to play.
    They are just being nice enough to let us play on it.
    What you're saying is counterproductive. I understand Kaer has a vision and an agreement on what direction the staff should take this server into, but it seems to be banking on morbid curiosity of a fan base that will fissile out for pve, and/or growing optimism of a successful realm based on one sided progression for pvp. AFKing seems to be the big issue but when waiting for my arena or rbg, those people do the SAME ****ING THING.

  12. Only ppl that havent played real wow back in the days can come up with such thread and aberrations in their posts. How dumb can you be to say that if there wont be a RDF it will kill the dungeons, or that a guild is a must or you wont have any chance what-so-ever?
    Let me guess, 99% of the ppl who want RDF are:
    - the ppl that hit queue and go afk
    - the ppl that always cry about GS, for being to big (yes i'm a GS whore, deal with it)
    - the ppl after 3-4-5-6-7 years never managed to understood the class they play
    -- the ppl that will never ever manage to do a full raid ( yes pugs, you, you the guys that will always fail at PP, at BQL, at Sindy) because they dont want to learn, and due to their selfishness like to drag other ppl down with them.
    - Oh, but no no no no, lets just pretend that a Looking for Group, Global, General channels dont exists, let pretend that 99.99% of dungeons are NOT in the exact same zone level where you're questing, and for no way possible what-so-ever to get the guys in different regions there ("cough" summon stone "cough"). But oh no no no, lets just pretend all of this dont exist.

    Yes, i'm an elitist bastard that will never ever join a leveling guild (wow.. i solo till max level, and yet i dont cry and manage just fine, yes its HARD i know, realy it is :D), will never join a progressive guild (why in hell name would i join a guild that like to wipe 100 times, just because a guy dont like to use more than 1 neuron in hes head), and will ALWAYS ONLY join a guild just because of what can that guild DO for ME, and NOT what i can do for them. And dont worry, i didnt forget noobs wispers either, i`ll never even help a noob that like to demand assistance, instead of saying PLEASE.

    You want something ret@rded easy?? dont warry, blizzard managed to do that for you, its called CATACLYSM.
    Edited: August 23, 2015

  13. Since there's are a lot of people for and against its usage, having RDF enabled from the start wouldn't take away from the "not for everyone" aspect.
    You're misrepresenting what I said, not sure if on purpose or by not understanding what I said, which is compounded by this

    Let people play the game the way they want.
    When I say "not for everyone," I'm stating people will be let to play the way we want the server to be for once. If that doesn't matches what some want to the point they decide not to play on Lordaeron, they simply fit the "not for you" case, which is something expected to happen - those people simply don't match the kind of player this server will be aiming to attract.

  14. Seems a little petty to be getting all worked up over 1 little feature. pretty easy decision, if you don't like the way lord's gonna be, than play on 1 of the other 2 servers like a lot of us are going to do.

  15. Seems a little petty to be getting all worked up over 1 little feature. pretty easy decision, if you don't like the way lord's gonna be, than play on 1 of the other 2 servers like a lot of us are going to do.
    I wish more people were able to think the way you do instead of attempting to scramble up things over here with their pitiful polls. Most of them are too braindead to understand that just because Warmane releases a new realm, it wont be necessarily "their new realm". They want it for themselves, want to shape it the way they want, they demand to let them play the game the way they want, on a realm that is clearly not for them.
    I cant even understand it. God knows for what reason a casual who cant level up without rdf even on x10 rate would want to play x1 at all?

    Correct me if im wrong but i dont recall anybody raising such strong complaints let alone a whole qq-thread when Molten released insta level pvp realms earlier. It wasnt for the masses either, i never even saw more than 1k players on any of those realms. I dont think any of the leveling freaks or hardcore pve hipsters even attempted to change anything of the heavy pvp features or insta max lvl. Possibly because those kind of people have the brain activity required to understand and accept that realm is for other players.

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