Ruby Sanctum #972
Halion 25HC downed with Thirteen Group!
Nomicz won [Foreshadow Steps]
Ayayaxd won [Bracers of Fiery Night]
Flexxorr won [Signet of Twilight]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
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Ruby Sanctum #972
Halion 25HC downed with Thirteen Group!
Nomicz won [Foreshadow Steps]
Ayayaxd won [Bracers of Fiery Night]
Flexxorr won [Signet of Twilight]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Light of Dawn #569
Lich King downed with Fourth Group!
Olechka won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
Creeza won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
Sxcava won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Light of Dawn #570
Lich King downed with Fifth Group!
Chargefmoney won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
Vambraces won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
Tokusatsu won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Light of Dawn #571
Lich King downed with Sixth Group!
Spokzye won [Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings]
Shockylockz won [Archus, Greatstaff of Antonidas]
Bowanmage won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Light of Dawn #572
Lich King downed with First Group! 0% Buff #29
Dincertwo won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
Dincertwo won [Fal'inrush, Defender of Quel'thalas]
Desolee won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Light of Dawn #573 (3 heals)
Lich King downed with Second Group-One Shot!
Challengerxx won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
Apolonyus won [Mithrios, Bronzebeard's Legacy]
Pandaretri won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Edited: May 16, 2022
Light of Dawn #574 (3 heals)
Lich King downed with Third Group!
Chargefmoney won [Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand]
Pandadudu won [Oathbinder, Charge of the Ranger-General]
Badassbroo won Invincible%27s Reins
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Edited: May 16, 2022
Ruby Sanctum (4 heals) #973
Halion 25HC downed with First Group-One Shot!
Poisonvendor won [Signet of Twilight]
Grinning won [Penumbra Pendant]
Arise won [Split Shape Belt]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #974
Halion 25HC downed with Second Group-One Shot!
Rakness won [Charred Twilight Scale]
Kauletsa won [Foreshadow Steps]
Pandaprot won [Apocalypse's Advance]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #975
Halion 25HC downed with Third Group!
Screensonic won [Penumbra Pendant]
Royalreaper won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
Asdshammy won [Split Shape Belt]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #976
Halion 25HC downed with Fourth Group-One Shot!
Astrylians won [Penumbra Pendant]
Kromagnonoly won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
Victorhogoo won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #977
Halion 25HC downed with Fifth Group!
Ground won [Petrified Twilight Scale]
Ground won [Penumbra Pendant]
Moravianguy won [Split Shape Belt]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #978
Halion 25HC downed with Sixth Group-One Shot!
Damirinio won [Penumbra Pendant]
Sortediaboli won [Sharpened Twilight Scale]
Tjackdaddy won [Phaseshifter's Bracers]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #979
Halion 25HC downed with Seventh Group!
Olyasha won [Treads of Impending Resurrection]
Dharmavrata won [Foreshadow Steps]
Sombrapena won [Charred Twilight Scale]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!
Ruby Sanctum #980
Halion 25HC downed with Eighth Group!
Screensave won [Glowing Twilight Scale]
Kromagnonwar won [Penumbra Pendant]
Jodifroster won [Ring of Phased Regeneration]
Congratulations to all the winners!
Apply Here!