1. There is still class fixes being actively done on MoP, just not at the rate as before as time is currently being split up between Lordaeron and MoP at the moment.
    WRONG..EACH 1 OF U WERE FOCUSING ON LOARDERON forgetting about mop for some time that is ...months? if ppl check the logs of what have u fixed for the last 6 monhts they gonna feel sick..ik a lot of guys as the 1 u replyed that gonna stop donating just coz of it..and he is right even if u deny it..whining seen nothing on realm they play..

  2. warmane lost much of its population when we left the voting sites whit top private servers now many of the servers are a bit half dead if you ask me yes its people there but if you played back when we had voting sites you know as well as me it was alot more people and more funn to do world pvp and so on bet they probably made alot more money on donations to but what i noticed in end of molten before crash and that **** we started going down on the voting lists we wherent the ones on 1st place everytime anymore,
    my personal toughts on that is warmanes lack of updates, slow buggfixes, to little info about stuff, staff **** talking you cant even count how many times i got rekt by staff on molten "just how it is deal whit" "you posted a thread we dont like your warned" "we arent here to please you"
    back on molten forexample was a time shadowmourne costed 50 coins was a bugg but after a load of people had payed for it thinking it was legit and got coins and wep they all took back the weps and no no one knew it was a bugg back then and we didnt get our money back so couldnt refound the 50 coins we was left whit ether was our problem so basicly we got a **** off and sat there whit no shadowmourne,and 50 coins we had donated spesificly for shadowmourne,
    in my case i had all gear and so on so didnt need anything else so i wasted a ****load of money on something i couldnt use was 2 ways they could fixed this leaving the ones who pay for the server to runn happy ether let them keep shadowmourne or refoudn the money they spent on coins and take back the coins but no we didnt get **** and they got a ****loads of money,
    now you got marketplace they are middle of launching a new server and know they need to use alot of time on it so why the hell do they crash marketplace right in middle of it when they already got more than enugh to do whit lordareon and guess what they failed to hit 2 deadlines after that people got angry as no further info was given so "well we are warmane **** you guys im going home" and basicly closed thread didnt give **** for info and now its been over a month and still no sighn of marketplace,
    they could started marketplace AFTER lordareon when they had time not in middle of it.

  3. FIX TOT RAID FINDER!!!!!! it worked month ago!!!!

  4. Hopefully, my whole guild were complaining today and yesterday.
    Some guy literally quoted the whole speech Vaas from Farcry 3 said in that one video lol

    We need something new, I can't stand noting RDf and RF or even BG, I'd rather run my 90 into Wailing Caverns if they fix it.
    lol i love that video its true xD i can just imagine it in wow xD ( Seems like he is talking about WoW at one stage xD )

  5. ^ I laughed my *** out. So f***ing true! :D

  6. I have a Dream

    I have a dream today ... I have a dream that one day
    every valley shall be exalted, every hill and mountain
    shall be made low. The rough places will be made plain,
    and the crooked Places will be made straight. And the
    Glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see
    it together. This is our hope. This is the faith that I
    go back to the South with. With this faith we will be
    able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of
    hope. With this faith we ,will he able to transform the
    jangling discords of our nation into a beautiful symphony
    of brotherhood. With this faith we will be able to work
    together, to pray together, to struggle together, to go to
    jail together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing
    that we will be free one day.
    Edited: October 2, 2015

  7. Warmane pointing the middlefinger to all players not playing on Lordaeron.

  8. This is from facebook post they just published.
    "We will post a devlog update tomorrow regarding development on our MoP expansion and future plans."

  9. This is from facebook post they just published.
    "We will post a devlog update tomorrow regarding development on our MoP expansion and future plans."
    I'll help you out here:

    We're currently in the process of a major client update for MoP. Once this update is done, it will enable us to implement a ton of features that were previously impossible or extremely time-consuming for us to implement. In the light of that, the update will also resolve several annoying client bugs like the double loading screen issue.

    As for Throne of Thunder heroic, I am happy with the state it is in. We are in the process of performing some tuning that will ensure it is a good (and challenging.) experience for you guys.

    On the topic of old raids: Since we rescripted a ton of content for Lordareon, I am in the process of porting said content from Lordareon to MoP. In the near future we will open AQ20, AQ40, BWL and Ulduar on MoP for transmogrification farming purposes.

    As I am mainly focused on PvE related development I won't make a statement about class fixes and whatnot, but the information Takenbacon previously posted in this thread holds true. Rest assured nobody has forgotten Frostwolf.

  10. On the topic of old raids: Since we rescripted a ton of content for Lordareon, I am in the process of porting said content from Lordareon to MoP. In the near future we will open AQ20, AQ40, BWL and Ulduar on MoP for transmogrification farming purposes.

    As I am mainly focused on PvE related development I won't make a statement about class fixes and whatnot, but the information Takenbacon previously posted in this thread holds true. Rest assured nobody has forgotten Frostwolf.
    Ulduar is the only instance I was interested in for the skins. By "near future", you mean weeks, months or the new year ? Just to get an idea if I have to get the gear with pointshop (when it'll be released naturally rofl) or if I can actually wait for the raid to be open and farm skins on my own.

    You know, if it'll come in 7 months, I'll just vote it out, but if it's just in the range of 1-2 weeks, I'll wait. Just to get an idea, eh

  11. I'll help you out here:

    We're currently in the process of a major client update for MoP. Once this update is done, it will enable us to implement a ton of features that were previously impossible or extremely time-consuming for us to implement. In the light of that, the update will also resolve several annoying client bugs like the double loading screen issue.

    As for Throne of Thunder heroic, I am happy with the state it is in. We are in the process of performing some tuning that will ensure it is a good (and challenging.) experience for you guys.

    On the topic of old raids: Since we rescripted a ton of content for Lordareon, I am in the process of porting said content from Lordareon to MoP. In the near future we will open AQ20, AQ40, BWL and Ulduar on MoP for transmogrification farming purposes.

    As I am mainly focused on PvE related development I won't make a statement about class fixes and whatnot, but the information Takenbacon previously posted in this thread holds true. Rest assured nobody has forgotten Frostwolf.
    Finally something to look forward to. ty for the info xoxo

  12. I'll help you out here:

    We're currently in the process of a major client update for MoP. Once this update is done, it will enable us to implement a ton of features that were previously impossible or extremely time-consuming for us to implement. In the light of that, the update will also resolve several annoying client bugs like the double loading screen issue.

    As for Throne of Thunder heroic, I am happy with the state it is in. We are in the process of performing some tuning that will ensure it is a good (and challenging.) experience for you guys.

    On the topic of old raids: Since we rescripted a ton of content for Lordareon, I am in the process of porting said content from Lordareon to MoP. In the near future we will open AQ20, AQ40, BWL and Ulduar on MoP for transmogrification farming purposes.

    As I am mainly focused on PvE related development I won't make a statement about class fixes and whatnot, but the information Takenbacon previously posted in this thread holds true. Rest assured nobody has forgotten Frostwolf.
    This is what we've been waiting to hear for a while now.
    Well played sir, well played. :)

    Keep up the good work,

  13. I'll help you out here:

    We're currently in the process of a major client update for MoP. Once this update is done, it will enable us to implement a ton of features that were previously impossible or extremely time-consuming for us to implement. In the light of that, the update will also resolve several annoying client bugs like the double loading screen issue.

    As for Throne of Thunder heroic, I am happy with the state it is in. We are in the process of performing some tuning that will ensure it is a good (and challenging.) experience for you guys.

    On the topic of old raids: Since we rescripted a ton of content for Lordareon, I am in the process of porting said content from Lordareon to MoP. In the near future we will open AQ20, AQ40, BWL and Ulduar on MoP for transmogrification farming purposes.

    As I am mainly focused on PvE related development I won't make a statement about class fixes and whatnot, but the information Takenbacon previously posted in this thread holds true. Rest assured nobody has forgotten Frostwolf.
    Thanks Spark for this update. <3
    Make sure to checkout the update feedback @ Lei Shen thread. Hope it helps.


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