1. I am just loling at these so try harders tryin to flame,who cares!Aint gonna change nothing xept make em look cry babies!haaha:)

    Guess they cant do better it seems then cry.

  2. What is happening and this is why there needs to be at least some restrictions, if you play MB on retail you would find it hard to fiance a plethora of accounts.

    Also it is escalating, soon it will just be a war of MB's and there will very few people that will be able to get a run.

    But hey let it come to that, that's what the arms race was all about.

  3. Well hey there chicken little, I was wondering where you went. LOL arms race are you serious?

    And please speak about something you have a clue about, one of the most prominent boxers on twitch Pinkskull, doesn't pay a dime on his accounts, he farms enough gold to sell to support ALL of his 25 accounts. so again, please think before you type. You just look like a moron when you don't.

  4. I don't know why people are still crying on forum, Multiboxing will never be disallowed on Warmane, deal with it. You tried to make it disallowed on Lordearon, it is allowed despite the fact there was about 70% no. Nobody cares of your opinion, you're wasting your time posting one new thread every week on different forum sections.

    We couldn't run 25 accounts if we want because on retail multiboxers have to pay 25x the suscription ? On retail, normal players have to pay too, so if we can't play for free because that's not free on retail, why would you ?

    Any of your arguments are wrong, we don't have to tell you why we want to multibox, we like it, that's enough, and your opinion don't matter. That's all.

  5. Well hey there chicken little, I was wondering where you went. LOL arms race are you serious?

    And please speak about something you have a clue about, one of the most prominent boxers on twitch Pinkskull, doesn't pay a dime on his accounts, he farms enough gold to sell to support ALL of his 25 accounts. so again, please think before you type. You just look like a moron when you don't.
    Every token he 'farms' was initially purchased by someone else to be sold for gold.

    So Blizzard has every reason to keep him around from a financial perspective regardless.

    warmane has no motivation to keep these secondaries who overly compensate for either a lack of ability or lack of will to go toe to toe with people when the playing field is even besides the fiction that it's a blizz-like decision, which it would be if this server had a subscription.

    the funny thing is that they would probably just feel persecuted and quit if multiboxxing was banned, rather than adapt to having to play fair. I'm sure there would also be quite a few tantrums on the forums, much like a glue-eating child sitting alone in the back of the class that had their colored pencils away because they wouldn't stop throwing them at people.
    Edited: December 28, 2016

  6. Every token he 'farms' was initially purchased by someone else to be sold for gold.

    So Blizzard has every reason to keep him around from a financial perspective regardless.
    LOL how long have you been on this server? and you still haven't figured out most boxers donate on every account they have? from a financial aspect it makes TOTAL sense to allow it, deal with it. You're right each token was bought with gold, and he was able to make enough to support his hobbie with what he has, thanks for making my point for me.

    warmane has no motivation to keep these secondaries who overly compensate for either a lack of ability or lack of will to go toe to toe with people when the playing field is even besides the fiction that it's a blizz-like decision, which it would be if this server had a subscription.
    Another cry baby that thinks PVP is life, and can't stand the fact there are some out there they he just can't pvp into logging off......

    the funny thing is that they would probably just feel persecuted and quit if multiboxxing was banned, rather than adapt to having to play fair. I'm sure there would also be quite a few tantrums on the forums, much like a glue-eating child sitting alone in the back of the class that had their colored pencils away because they wouldn't stop throwing them at people.
    Back to insults yay! I am playing fair you moron. I have NEVER cheated ever, and i hate people that exploit, you on the other hand have this perceived injustice and are wanting a platform to speak, but sir, your voice is mute here, and multi boxing IS allowed. so be sure to run head first into the meat grinder when you see me, and then log over and cuss me out, i like to laugh. Heck i laugh a lot when i log in and see the rage posts like yours.

    Tantrums? like the ones we get to laugh at when you and your fellow crybabies get on here and cry " ban it ban it, it's not fair". lol thanks for that.
    Edited: December 28, 2016

  7. Not all things legal are, thereby, ethical, moral or even fair.

    You think 24 BIS Shamy's camping AH is "fair" ? While the top players don't care to raid up against him. When the majority of a raid group that goes against him are half geared. Costing a lot of people time for his amusement, is legal, doesn't make it fair.

    Time is not free, you don't go outside so it doesn't matter to you. People that can only play 2 hours a day, it matters when they have to spend a quarter of that time respawning and traveling to IF and back to do daily sales, or whatever.

    You join a BG and 1 man getting the win with 24 BIS Shamy's while 24 low geared players are camped and not getting gear. Is legal, but again, not fair.

    SORRY, reword what you try to claim to be. You want to say you hate Exploiters? You know that means you hate yourself? You're exploiting the laws to create a benefit that other players wouldn't have.

    I mean, is this a joke? Contradict more please.

  8. You again, no i'm not exploiting, you should look up the definition. I don't play 24, or 25 shammies. Quit talking out of your butt. we've already established you have no idea what you're even talking about, crawl back under the rock you came from moron.

    lol i only play about 2 hours a day, we have that in common.. well prolly less than that. nevermind you win, you play more.

    And I've stated nothing about myself but my weight and height, so what do you know... nothing, well except when you creep on my profile, lol i saw you visited. B****boy.
    Edited: December 28, 2016

  9. I know it is possible to do that now, I haven't been on retail since cata, I said "find it hard" as in you will have to work it play for free.

    It's nice to see people like you because it really shows the level of Nimrodism in the mentality of people, "Deathsmaster"

    It is becoming a race I am seeing more MB being raised on the opposite side to counter, if you can't understand that then you will never be a military observer. Just some idiōtēs with a spooky picture and name who calls people moron because his supposed great claim to fame is understanding Wow.
    Edited: December 29, 2016 Reason: spelling

  10. (roBOT) A program that performs a repetitive function

    That is what a multibox is.

  11. Personally, i dont understand where is the problem at all about Multiboxers.

    Considering that:
    - I've geared in PvP around 10 chars and i can count on my fingers the number of BGs where i've faced Mboxers

    These Multiboxers just have a really small window to play at :
    You meet them in Battlegrounds? Well, you just play the current game, then do something else to gear up (If u're farming honor, you can farm EoT/EoF/SKS)
    You meet them in Stormwind? if it takes you 15 minutes to get to IF then you've some issues, it actually takes less then 5mins, just HS to Dalaran and gg.
    You meet them in Wintergraps? Who cares you're there mostly for the quests if you're farming, tho WG battlegear is useless in S8.

    In other terms, despite the fact that PERSONALLY i dont like or find Mboxing boring PvP wise (while i've always finded interested to see Mboxers doing PvE encounters,which, in my opinion , could be harder for them), but there are plenty of ways to avoid them, and 90% of the people talking about "Ruining the gameplay" met them probably one time. (i swear i did probably less then 10 times, in 3 years of Warmane/Molten)

    Mboxers get their strenght by such posts, as actually you/me dont have the rights to not allow them to play, scripters or MPQ (which is really hacking) gets 5-days ban and then are back in, so i find completly legit that Staff decided to keep Mboxers unpunished even tho there could be reason to lower the amount of "mboxers allowed"

    Also, you're missing the point, if you're doing BG/WG to gear up and meet a multiboxer, just do something better, que arena get 1400 or more (You can get 1800+ with completly **** gear and VP weapon/trinkets), but i feel like the majority of the people who cry that much over multiboxers, will cry about meet "DONORS" at low mmr brackets. (Doing 10 games for the weekly flush, can be faster then play a single BG, just sayng.

    Once again, the good/bad part of play an online game such WoW,is that you can do plenty ways to gear up, plenty ways to have fun.
    And, if you want that much avoid these Mboxers and play your goddamn bg (maybe because in the same way they shot you, you want shot some even lower geared horde??), just make an account with a level 1 horde, log it and add in friend list these mboxers and dodge them.

    There is a reason why Mboxers stays out from arenas like a dog stays out from the resturant, they wont work in 2s,they wont work in 3s, they wont work in 5s against any half-brained team. Understand this.

    How many Mboxers are on warmane? 5? (I really dont know)
    I repeat this is just my opinion.
    Edited: December 29, 2016

  12. crawl back under the rock you came from moron.
    The reason you have not been banned yet is Warmane having some special kids social programm - allows you to bark loud.
    Otherwise i can not epxlain why insults from multiboxers are always ignored meanwhile other players have been banned.
    Edited: December 29, 2016

  13. Well hey there chicken little, I was wondering where you went. LOL arms race are you serious?

    And please speak about something you have a clue about, one of the most prominent boxers on twitch Pinkskull, doesn't pay a dime on his accounts, he farms enough gold to sell to support ALL of his 25 accounts. so again, please think before you type. You just look like a moron when you don't.
    Funny, that Pinkskull doesn't have any video on his YT from BGs... I wonder why...

  14. lol i saw you visited. B****boy.

    Learn the definition of Exploiting.

    Auren failed trying to defend MB.

  15. lol

    Learn the definition of Exploiting.

    Auren failed trying to defend MB.
    From what you typed, you're just completly no.sense.
    As you can see from my post im not defending or even tryng to give an hand to Multiboxers, you should try check better my post which says way different things then "Defend MB".

    In other terms, despite the fact that PERSONALLY i dont like and find Mboxing boring PvP wise (while i've always finded interested to see Mboxers doing PvE encounters,which, in my opinion , could be harder for them), but there are plenty of ways to avoid them, and 90% of the people talking about "Ruining the gameplay" met them probably one time. (i swear i did probably less then 10 times, in 3 years of Warmane/Molten)

    Mboxers get their strenght by such posts, as actually you/me dont have the rights to not allow them to play, scripters or MPQ (which is really hacking) gets 5-days ban and then are back in, so i find completly legit that Staff decided to keep Mboxers unpunished even tho there could be reason to lower the amount of "mboxers allowed"

    There is a reason why Mboxers stays out from arenas like a dog stays out from the resturant, they wont work in 2s,they wont work in 3s, they wont work in 5s against any half-brained team. Understand this.
    Edited: December 29, 2016

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