1. eh the whole point of the 20 mans is to catch up on gear adding 5 more to zg would be pretty terrible, but at least the 40 mans are 25 lol

  2. eh the whole point of the 20 mans is to catch up on gear adding 5 more to zg would be pretty terrible, but at least the 40 mans are 25 lol
    I suppose that's true as well. AQ20 I suggested down to 10 so it's similar to vanilla feel...AQ40/20 is now AQ25/10 (afaik the PTR currently makes them AQ25/20, which just seems odd). I figured tuning ZG up to 25 would be easier and closer to the vanilla feel than downtuning it to 10...but given its place in progression, 10 might make more sense...consider it a game design debate?

  3. agreed, the whole reason i want to play on this server is for the qol we never got from blizzard. reducing to 10 mans would make life so much nicer and make sense with the other reductions.

  4. I haven't tested it, but from what I remember being posted...only 40 mans are being made 25 man, but other raid caps aren't being adjusted.

    Personally I think ZG should be upped to 25, and AQ20 be made a 10 man...just for consistency with the 10/25 raidcaps in the rest of the phases, and so guilds can figure out how they want to adjust their rosters for TBC 10 mans (Kara/Zul'Aman) vs TBC 25 Mans (Gruul/Mag and the rest of the TBC Raids)...
    Such a good recommendation totally agree with it. See, you are very well educated about PvE, should stick with that, no offense.

  5. Such a good recommendation totally agree with it. See, you are very well educated about PvE, should stick with that, no offense.
    That's much easier to do when people don't keep trying to force me to be PvP flagged everywhere I go.

  6. "Tell me you don't know s**t about PvP without telling me, you don't know s**t about PvP" :D
    pvp is about doing a 5 min vid of a warrior killing every 10 seconds 3-5 people. (with recklessness that have a 30 min cd) no wait, you are gonna be the rogue on bg/wpvp that kills one dude, pops all, then wait for cd's, then you gonna clip it. or a mage doing vids killing everything single class but i never see killing warlocks or spriest.

  7. Couldn't seem to find it anywhere, but do we have any ETA?

  8. pvp is about doing a 5 min vid of a warrior killing every 10 seconds 3-5 people. (with recklessness that have a 30 min cd) no wait, you are gonna be the rogue on bg/wpvp that kills one dude, pops all, then wait for cd's, then you gonna clip it. or a mage doing vids killing everything single class but i never see killing warlocks or spriest.
    Actually I'm gonna play gnome Lock so can have more encounters instead of as a Horde. And if you are interested most fun I find is PvPing while leveling in the open on a fresh server. The world feels so alive and enticing, but i doubt you PvE freaks will understand, while you try to rush to 60 and getting your attunements : )

  9. Actually I'm gonna play gnome Lock so can have more encounters instead of as a Horde. And if you are interested most fun I find is PvPing while leveling in the open on a fresh server. The world feels so alive and enticing, but i doubt you PvE freaks will understand, while you try to rush to 60 and getting your attunements : )
    To each his own, some people like to chill and just kill the same npcs over and over.

    that being said I dont see warmane catering to casual players and forsaking most of the pvp crowd, just my view.

  10. Actually I'm gonna play gnome Lock so can have more encounters instead of as a Horde. And if you are interested most fun I find is PvPing while leveling in the open on a fresh server. The world feels so alive and enticing, but i doubt you PvE freaks will understand, while you try to rush to 60 and getting your attunements : )
    from lvl 10 you can come where the real pvp is, in battlegrounds. the other is not pvp, you just kill some random dude questing and farming mats

  11. pvp is about doing a 5 min vid of a warrior killing every 10 seconds 3-5 people. (with recklessness that have a 30 min cd) no wait, you are gonna be the rogue on bg/wpvp that kills one dude, pops all, then wait for cd's, then you gonna clip it. or a mage doing vids killing everything single class but i never see killing warlocks or spriest.
    from lvl 10 you can come where the real pvp is, in battlegrounds. the other is not pvp, you just kill some random dude questing and farming mats
    So you are the only one in this game? You think everyone one is just like you? You think everyone including the server needs to adjust to your twisted view of the game?

    Anyway better look for another server mate, the chances this realm to be PvE are slim to none.

    P.S The top tier PvP and players do arenas not BGs, but what a player who enjoys only playing with NPCs would know : )

  12. Blizzlike or bust

    WARNING! This is my OPINION and I already know its likely to be unpopular. I like things hard as it originally was in classic. So if this post triggers you,
    please walk away and do some breathing exercises and settle down. Its only how I feel and you dont have to like it but please dont come in here spewing vitriol. Ideally I would prefer you dont comment at all if you only have negative things to say. But If you do comment, please keep it civil. Ideally, just say what you disagree with and if you must you can say why. You can disagree without telling me I'm wrong or I suck or whaetever. There is no wrong or right, Its just a matter of preference. I'm not gonna blow smoke up peoples behind and tell them everything they touch is solid gold. I believe in giving my HONEST opinion. So.... Now that the disclaimer is out of the way...

    I would rather not have boosted rates other than the in-game buffs that happen from holiday I prefer x1 exp rate only and Vanilla-style health/mana regen through the entire life of the server (all xpacs)

    RDF should NOT be enabled until the Xpac it was launched at. Otherwise you may as well allow Belf/Dranei in vanilla too.
    In fact I'd actually prefer to have RDF disabled through the entire life of the server from Vanilla through Shadowlands and beyond.
    Making people do things the hard way builds character! (Pun intended) It makes people better overall.

    I can understand why you might reduce 40 man raid to 25 man but how about this? DO BOTH. Just like you could change dungeon difficulty between 10 or 25 man raids, You should be able to change vanilla difficulty between 25 and 40 man raid. If people CAN manage to herd 40 cats into a raid then LET THEM. :)
    Tho I never have liked the idea of placing limits to how many elixirs you can have active. There was no need for this nerf to alchemy imo.
    Scrolls should definitely NOT be treated like elixirs. They should be treated like buffs from classes since they practically ARE. Thats what scrolls are there for! Its like having a party in your pocket! (get your mind outta the gutter) No priest? No Mage? No problem! Load up on buffs.

  13. So you are the only one in this game? You think everyone one is just like you? You think everyone including the server needs to adjust to your twisted view of the game?
    I dont see how its twisted to just want to play the game normally without getting ganked for no reason. Whether its BG or Arena idc... thats the only place I do pvp because its consensual. We all know what we're there for. But outside of a pvp specific area.... level 80 players who 1-shot camp low level players that are questing or farming mats are showing that they have no skill and they do it because they cant win BGs or Arenas. Its not real pvp unless your opponent is capable of defending themselves and you actually get honor from the kill. Its basically like stomping on an ant hill and proclaiming yourself as a mighty hunter.
    Or stealing tomatoes from your neighbors garden and claiming that youre surviving in the wilderness or putting a sleeping bag in the living room and calling it camping. Thats just weaksauce dude. But dangit if 13-yr old Billy who has a level 80 hunter called "Noobkiller" doesnt feel very manly after standing in that spot on Booty Bay where guards cant reach him and taking pot-shots at the bank alts standing in Neutral ah. He's the king of PVP because he killed a dozen level 10-20 people who were either afk or totally oblivious until them dying closed out the AH window. Great job Billy, you get a medal!

  14. How could you be so out of touch, we are talking about Vanilla, where there is no arenas,
    there is World bosses and tones of more resources, mats, recipes, items and etc in the open world, where people are supposed to fight each other for. Giving me examples about low life 80s which are not regarded in the current expansion killing low lvls because they haven't been hugged by the mother is irrelevant and not enough of a reason to kill completely the PvP. It will happen to me, to you, to anybody. It won't happen when you are max level, which anyway will happen quite easy with 5x and RDF (which will allow you to skip all of those low life encounters).

    Regardless of all of this, the realm will be PvP, this will bring the most revenue to the devs and owners.

  15. WARNING! This is my OPINION and I already know its likely to be unpopular. I like things hard as it originally was in classic. So if this post triggers you,
    please walk away and do some breathing exercises and settle down. Its only how I feel and you dont have to like it but please dont come in here spewing vitriol. Ideally I would prefer you dont comment at all if you only have negative things to say. But If you do comment, please keep it civil. Ideally, just say what you disagree with and if you must you can say why. You can disagree without telling me I'm wrong or I suck or whaetever. There is no wrong or right, Its just a matter of preference. I'm not gonna blow smoke up peoples behind and tell them everything they touch is solid gold. I believe in giving my HONEST opinion. So.... Now that the disclaimer is out of the way...

    I would rather not have boosted rates other than the in-game buffs that happen from holiday I prefer x1 exp rate only and Vanilla-style health/mana regen through the entire life of the server (all xpacs)

    RDF should NOT be enabled until the Xpac it was launched at. Otherwise you may as well allow Belf/Dranei in vanilla too.
    In fact I'd actually prefer to have RDF disabled through the entire life of the server from Vanilla through Shadowlands and beyond.
    Making people do things the hard way builds character! (Pun intended) It makes people better overall.

    I can understand why you might reduce 40 man raid to 25 man but how about this? DO BOTH. Just like you could change dungeon difficulty between 10 or 25 man raids, You should be able to change vanilla difficulty between 25 and 40 man raid. If people CAN manage to herd 40 cats into a raid then LET THEM. :)
    Tho I never have liked the idea of placing limits to how many elixirs you can have active. There was no need for this nerf to alchemy imo.
    Scrolls should definitely NOT be treated like elixirs. They should be treated like buffs from classes since they practically ARE. Thats what scrolls are there for! Its like having a party in your pocket! (get your mind outta the gutter) No priest? No Mage? No problem! Load up on buffs.
    So i have a few comments here:

    1. XP rates. if we were all playing this game for the first time, id agree. I'd wager 80% or more of people who are joining this server have already played for many years. Me personally I have played for 18 years and so in my opinion there is no benefit to x1 for the most part and it would put me off to be honest. There will always be people who are new however, and they have the option of playing at x1 or whatever speed they prefer. If the argument is then that they would be left behind, I would say there is no new player who could keep up with a seasoned wow veteran in terms of levelling speed anyway so its a moot point. I will finish this point with something i have said before here - Is it better we all are forced to play the way you want to play, or that we can all play the way we want to?

    2. RDF. I cannot see how an equivalency can be made regarding a convenience tool like RDF can be compared to completely game altering race additions (considering unique buffs to each race). Again if people want to make dungeon groups they can. I will be making spam groups with my guild but still use the RDF to get ported to dungeons. Remember there are no additional blue items etc, you just get a couple of potions. Is it really so important i run for 30 minutes across content i have played 1000 times in order to get my alliance player to scarlet monastery?

    3. Raid size. As an ex-hardcore raider back in vanilla, i can say this is a welcome change. it's just not ideal trying to get 40 people together and consistently raid. it can be a challenge getting 25 man. That aside, assuming you could manage to get the people needed, i imagine its a decision of pragmatism and development. The coding required to have dynamic raid sizes would be a nightmare. I realise it exists in WOTLK client, and im not a coder but seems to me would be a huge amount of work.

    I don't really have an opinion on your other points.

    In summary (and this is not solely or specifically aimed at your post) I would like to say that fact the amount of challenge regarding the server baffle me. It feels like the devs have bent over backwards to ensure as many people as possible can have fun and take part. We are all entitled to our opinion of course, and mine is that this seems to work for the majority and in fact, the things people are asking for are already an "Option", but rather than embracing that, they are trying to force their preferred play style on the rest of us. Sad times.

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